Mike Craw

Craw to discuss why neighborhood associations matter in next Anderson Institute “Plain Talk on Race and Ethnicity” lecture series

A University of Arkansas at Little Rock professor will discuss the effects neighborhood and homeowner’s associations have on property values and crime rates during the next “Plain Talk on Race and Ethnicity” lecture on Tuesday, Oct. 23.  Continue reading “Craw to discuss why neighborhood associations matter in next Anderson Institute “Plain Talk on Race and Ethnicity” lecture series”

Dr. Sarah Quintanar, associate professor of economics and associate faculty member for the Anderson Institute, will give her talk, “Uncovering Data: How Ordinary Police Work Can Provide Insights on Critical Influences and Bias,” at noon Wednesday, Sept. 26, in Ottenheimer Library Room 202.

Quintanar to launch fall “Plain Talk on Race and Ethnicity” lecture series

The University of Arkansas at Little Rock Anderson Institute on Race and Ethnicity will kick off its 2018 lecture series with a talk on how to use objective measures to determine the existence of potential bias in police behaviors.  Continue reading “Quintanar to launch fall “Plain Talk on Race and Ethnicity” lecture series”

Dr. Warigia Bowman, assistant professor of public policy at the Clinton School of Public Service, will deliver a lecture on rhetoric and legislation concerning immigration on May 1.

Second Plain Talk on Race and Ethnicity lecture will cover immigration

Dr. Warigia Bowman, assistant professor of public policy at the Clinton School of Public Service, will deliver a lecture on rhetoric and legislation concerning immigration on May 1. Continue reading “Second Plain Talk on Race and Ethnicity lecture will cover immigration”

David Briscoe

Professor presents Anderson Institute’s first Plain Talk on Race and Ethnicity lecture

Dr. David Briscoe, professor of sociology at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock, recently kicked off the Anderson Institute on Race and Ethnicity’s lecture series, Plain Talk on Race and Ethnicity, with his presentation of “How Can Black Parents Rear Their Children to Be Black Americans in a Color Conscious Society?” Continue reading “Professor presents Anderson Institute’s first Plain Talk on Race and Ethnicity lecture”