Sandra Robertson

Sandra Robertson Greenwood retires after 40 years at UALR

A longtime administrative leader at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock, Dr. Sandra Robertson Greenwood, will retire after four decades at the university.

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Chancellor Joel E. Anderson

University District accepting applications for Anderson Scholarship

The Friends of University District organization is accepting applications for a $1,000 scholarship created in May to honor longtime University of Arkansas at Little Rock Chancellor Joel E. Anderson.

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Chancellor Joel E. Anderson walks to the stage during the 2016 spring commencement at Jack Stephens Center.

Institute on Race and Ethnicity to be renamed in honor of Chancellor Anderson

The University of Arkansas at Little Rock Institute on Race and Ethnicity will be renamed in honor of retiring Chancellor Joel E. Anderson, who was instrumental in the establishment of the institute in July 2011.

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Chancellor Joel E. Anderson walks to the stage during the 2016 spring commencement at Jack Stephens Center.

UALR honors Chancellor Anderson at commencement

The University of Arkansas at Little Rock gave a tribute to retiring Chancellor Joel E. Anderson during his final commencement ceremony as chancellor May 14 at the Jack Stephens Center.

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Chancellor Joel E. Anderson greets well wishers at his May 3 retirement reception at Cooper Fountain.

Community thanks Joel Anderson for his service at UALR

Note: This story has been updated

Ed Anson met UALR Chancellor Joel E. Anderson 41 years ago when their sons played on the same Little League baseball team in the summer of 1975.

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UALR releases campus visit schedules for chancellor finalists

The University of Arkansas at Little Rock announced the schedules for the three finalists in the search for the university’s next chancellor.
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UALR to host celebration in honor of Chancellor Anderson

The University of Arkansas at Little Rock will honor Chancellor Joel E. Anderson for 45 years of service from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Tuesday, May 3, at Cooper Fountain. 

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Ice bucket challenge highlights research’s impact

Everyone, it seems, is getting doused with buckets of ice water these days to support the nonprofit foundation for the treatment and cure of ALS or Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. Continue reading “Ice bucket challenge highlights research’s impact”

UALR to serve as site of major 2014 races

UALR’s University Theatre will be the site of an hour-long debate this fall between Republican gubernatorial candidate Asa Hutchinson and Democratic gubernatorial candidate Mike Ross. Continue reading “UALR to serve as site of major 2014 races”

Former UALR dean honored by local nonprofit

The Little Rock-based nonprofit City Connections Inc. recently dedicated a room in memory of Dr. Angela Laird Brenton, who served as former dean of the UALR College of Professional Studies. Continue reading “Former UALR dean honored by local nonprofit”