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First-Generation Student Spotlight: Kennedy Whitehead

Kennedy Whitehead, School of Nursing, First generation student spotlight 2021
Kennedy Whitehead, School of Nursing, First generation student spotlight 2021

In honor of First-Generation College Student Celebration Month, UA Little Rock is profiling some of its outstanding first-generation students.

Kennedy Whitehead is a sophomore nursing major from North Little Rock. She is the first in her family to pursue a post-secondary education.

What does it mean to you to be a first-generation student?

To be a first-generation student means a lot to me. I have the privilege to place footsteps for others to follow.

How did your family react when you told them you wanted to earn a college degree?

My family was excited and supportive when I told them I wanted to earn a college degree.

What has been the most rewarding aspect of college so far?

The most rewarding aspect of college so far is gaining knowledge that’ll help reach my goal, while also getting to do what I love.

What made you choose UA Little Rock?

I chose UA Little Rock because I thoroughly loved the environment when I toured the college a few years ago. I also heard that the nursing program was phenomenal.

What do you plan to do after graduation?

After college, I plan to begin my practice as a Registered Nurse. I will also continue my education to attain my Bachelor’s degree in Nursing. I am very determined and destined that I will turn my dreams into reality.

Do you have any advice for future first-generation students?

My advice to future first-generation students is to stay positive and confident. Everyone has a purpose, so find your path and go for it! If God brought you to it, He will bring you through it.