Student Testimonials

Evan Hicks
Evan Hicks poses in front of the Student Services Center at UA Little Rock

“My passion for higher learning led me to medical school, however much of my inquisitive nature is a product of my physics education. The Physics Program at UA Little Rock offered the foundational skills a student physicist must have as well as the opportunity to pursue classes such as Medical Physics and Biophysics. I was also fortunate enough to conduct Research with Dr. Guisbiers and am currently seeking publication. There is no doubt in my mind that a Physics education can be useful for traditional STEM majors as well as those seeking healthcare related fields such as Medicine, Pharmacy, and Dentistry. Overall, the professors in the Physics department were some of the most passionate and inquisitive I have met, and I have no doubt that they will invest in every student and their professional interests.”

Lyle Arnett
Lyle Arnett holds a fish in the outdoors

“Success in Physics requires a strong motivation to succeed and a solid academic foundation. I found both of these at UA Little Rock. Professors such as Hall, Blanton, and Nichols, among others, inspired me to perform at my best while also providing excellent instruction that has laid the groundwork for my current academic endeavors. The faculty and staff in Physics and Astronomy went out of their way to ensure I would succeed. As I continue on with work towards my doctorate in Theoretical Gravitational Physics, I owe a great deal of my success to their teaching and guidance.”


David Cline

David Cline“My love for physics and astronomy has led me to an immense interest in astrophysics. Due to this, I intend on studying gravitational waves while getting a Ph.D. in astrophysics. The Physics Program at UA Little Rock has been highly supportive and helpful in my endeavor, including Dr. Nichols, Dr. Blanton, and Dr. Hall. While all of the professors in the department are great teachers and care about their students, these three have gone above and beyond. Dr. Nichols is an excellent research mentor and has even given good advice about my future goals. Dr. Blanton has got to be the best course advisor and has helped reaffirm my passion for astrophysics. Additionally, I was able to work as an undergraduate Teaching Assistant because of him. Dr. Hall has the most infectious passion I have ever seen and has given me numerous opportunities to volunteer at outreach events like the Science Olympiad and UA Little Rock’s Discover Day.”