Developing and Revising Policies

The following steps should be taken when developing or revising a policy:

  1. Decide if the statement is really a policy.
    1. It could be a procedure.
    2. It could be information.
  2. Once new policies or updates have been approved pursuant to the Policy on Policies, they should be forwarded to the policy manager, Sheri O’Brien, via email to, or via campus mail to her at Charles W. Donaldson Student Services Center 425.
    1. Highlight the updated portion of the policy.
    2. Note if the policy is new and what policy it replaces.
    3. Provide the date the policy went into effect in the policy header.
  3. Note at the bottom of each policy the information for the source of the policy, dates of revisions, who gave the final approval for the policy and the date of approval, and who is the custodian and responsible for keeping the policy up-to-date.

Example 1
Source: University-wide Administrative Memo, January 1, 2006
Revised: February 7, 2008
Approved By: Chancellor Joel E. Anderson, January 1, 2006
Custodian: Office of the Chancellor

Example 2
Source: UA Little Rock Faculty Senate, April 25, 2007
Approved By: Provost David Belcher, April 25, 2007
Custodian: Office of the Provost

Example 3
Source: University Assembly, May 1, 1996
Revised: May 3, 1998; April 8, 2004; September 23, 2008
Approved By: Chancellor Joel E. Anderson, September 23, 2008
Custodian: Office of Records & Registration