Getting Started

Dear campus community,

I am excited to share more about the status of the university website redesign project.

This is a multi-year project that will help UA Little Rock improve our web content, design, accessibility, and function. At the completion of this comprehensive project, we will have a mobile-friendly website that will be aligned with our university goals and will meet required accessibility guidelines. This is the current timeline of key steps and phases. We are making great strides and hope to finish the first phase this summer.

Before the design and functionality is updated, the content of the 200+ websites within must be reviewed. The university web team is currently working with numerous departments on this effort, and will reach out to additional departments over the next several months. In order to streamline this process, site owners are strongly encouraged to begin reviewing their websites now. Here’s how you can be involved throughout the redesign process:

  • Begin reviewing your website – This involves reviewing every page and determining what information should be removed, combined, and/or rewritten to make sure it is user-friendly. Learn more about reviewing your website.
  • Give your input – When we start working on the look and feel of the site, we’ll be hosting several focus groups on campus. We hope you’ll join us when those dates are announced to share your feedback and thoughts.

One upcoming website improvement is a new site search tool that will launch this June. The site search will have an improved design and functionality, and will give you the option to sort search results by Catalog, News, Events, and Directory. We will provide additional information about this update in our next monthly email.

Your collaboration and support will be critical to help UA Little Rock develop a website that has a long-lasting impact for our students. We will keep the campus community updated on our progress, and you can access the latest updates on the project blog. If you want to learn about the complete scope of the project, here are the full details.

We are excited to collaborate and will be sharing more soon.


Posted in: Updates

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