Writing Better Web Content

Website users often have one main goal: to find useful information quickly. They usually scan content – only reading about 20 percent of the words on a page. To better engage your audience, use these tips for better content writing:

Keep it short

Be concise. Use short sentences and paragraphs. Say it well but in as few words as possible. For example, instead of “UA Little Rock is proud to have the unique opportunity to offer students the chance to work toward earning the only doctoral degree in criminal justice available in the state of Arkansas,“ say “UA Little Rock is proud to offer the only Ph.D. in criminal justice in Arkansas.”

Use headings

Break content up with descriptive headings that users can quickly scan to find information.

Add keywords

Include words commonly used to describe your topic and those likely used in a search. For example, instead of “healthcare job” or  “patient caregiver,” say “nursing” or “registered nurse.”

Use active voice

Use active rather than passive voice and specify the subject of the sentence. For example, instead of “In-person or online learning is available to students,” say “Students can learn in-person or online.”

Avoid long-scrolling pages

Create text that is short, informative and easy to read.

This post was written by Bobbie Handcock, UA Little Rock web content specialist.

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