University Website Redesign Update

Dear Campus Community,

Here is an update on the work the Office of Communications and Marketing is doing to continue progress toward the redesigned university website. We’re continuing to partner with departments to conduct content audits and updates of their websites; there are currently about 30 departments working through this process.

A content audit involves reviewing every page on a site to see if any information should be removed, combined, and/or rewritten. It’s also important to make sure the information is written in an appropriate tone and for the correct audience. Here is a brief four-step review of the process:

Prep: Communications and Marketing will create a spreadsheet that lists your site’s pages, posts, uploaded media, site owners, and a list of the site’s most visited pages.

Phase 1: We’ll provide initial notes and share the spreadsheet with you, so your team can review the pages and make notes about removing and updating content. This process normally takes about a week to complete.

Phase 2: Edits begin after the pages are reviewed. We will help you rewrite content, combine or remove pages, and reorganize your menus. We can also create updated imagery. This helpful guide shows how academic department sites should be organized.

Phase 3: After the edits are finished, we will make any final accessibility updates. You will still have access to your site and should continue to update content as necessary.

Take a look at the before and after of the recently updated Extended Education site:

Before and after

We appreciate your support during this process and welcome your input as you review your website. The website is often the first place our stakeholders and students go to seek out information, and we want to be sure to provide accurate and relevant content.

The university redesign site has additional information about how to get started reviewing your site and our timeline. Our Project Blog also includes some helpful tips and updates.

Thank you for your support, and Go Trojans!

Meaghan Milliorn

Posted in: Updates

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