Care Team Members

The Care Team – Full Membership meets on the fourth Wednesday of every month and includes the following individuals:

Care Team – Full Membership
Department/Office Name
*Academic Affairs Retention Office (AARO)/Academic Affairs Heather Reed (Chair)
Bursar & Student Accounts Amy Frets
*Campus Living Elizabeth Roshell
Child Care Connections Tiffany Holloway
*Counseling Services Dr. Aresh Assadi
*Dean of Students/Student Affairs Dr. Richard Harper
Director of Student Services (or designee)
from each Academic College
*Disability Resource Center Reed Claiborne
Financial Aid & Scholarships Jonathan Coleman
Graduate School TBA
*Health Services Chanell Smith
Learning Commons/Trojan Tutoring Brandon Sollars
Military Student Success Blake McMillan
Student Experience Center and Multicultural Initiatives Dr. Kara Brown 
Student Support Specialists (Social Workers in each college)
TRIO Student Support Services Dr. Desarae Nelson
Trojan Transition and Assistance Center (TTAC) Leah Ford

Auxiliary Care Team members are to be consulted on an as-needed basis, including the following:

  • Athletics Representative
  • Career Services Representative
  • Office of International Student Services (OISS) Representative
  • Provost Office Representative (Dr. Shannon Collier-Tenison & Dr. David Montague)
  • *UA Little Rock Police Dept. Representative

*Also a Member of the Behavioral Intervention Team