Disclosing Your Invention


The chart describes the process that our office has for the timely processing, evaluation, and review of an invention disclosure submission.

We strive to be on par with the best practices of other technology transfer offices.

Disclosing your invention:

  1. You and your co-inventors (if applicable) need to fill out the UA Little Rock Invention Disclosure Form (Or The Paper Form) to the best of your abilities. The more complete this form is, the faster will the processing time be.
  2. Bring or email a signed copy of the disclosure to UA Little Rock Tech Launch (ETAS 105) or innovation@ualr.edu
  3. UA Little Rock Tech Launch Staff will confirm receipt of your disclosure and conduct an analysis report. This report will be conducted by one of our GAs and will include a report on the technical, patentability, and marketability of your invention. Again, the more complete your initial disclosure is, the faster it will take to complete such report.
  4. UA Little Rock Tech Launch staff will reach a decision:
    • If the decision is to pursue patent protectionUA Little Rock Tech Launch staff will proceed with filing with the patent on the same or next day after the decision is made
    • If the decision is that further research/development is needed,  UA Little Rock Tech Launch will work with the inventor to identify steps that strengthens the patentability/marketability of the invention
    • If the decision is that UA Little Rock  cannot commit to the prosecution of the invention, steps will be taken to return the rights of the invention to the inventor(s). The Inventor(s) can then decide to pursue patent prosecution on their own.