Language Placement

Second Language Requirement at UA Little Rock: Different majors have unique second language requirements. Check with your advisor if you are not sure whether you have a language requirement or to confirm what your requirement looks like. Then choose the option below that is best for you.

Options for completing the second language requirement

Emmersion Foreign Language Placement Exam (formerly known as WebCAPE): If you studied a second language in high school, or if you have some prior knowledge, you should take a placement test before enrolling in a language course at UA Little Rock. The test is free and your score is available immediately. The Emmersion Foreign Language Exam tests your vocabulary, reading, comprehension, and grammar knowledge. There is no listening or speaking section. You may take the test only once. The exam is administered through the Office of Testing Services. To register to take the Emmersion exam for Spanish, please visit Testing Services Exam Registration or contact the Director of Testing Service at to be sent a link.

If your Spanish Emmersion Exam score is: You should enroll in:
0-269 SPAN 1311: Elementary Spanish I
270-345 SPAN 1312: Elementary Spanish II
346-426 SPAN 2311: Intermediate Spanish
427 and above Contact the School of Human Inquiry to discuss correct placement
  • No prior knowledge/Mere beginners. If you have no knowledge of a second language, you will need to start in the first semester of Spanish (SPAN 1311).
  • Testing out with the Emmersion Foreign Language Placement Exam: If you place higher than 2311, you may have demonstrated the proficiency needed to meet your program’s second language proficiency requirement! Talk with your advisor. If you wish to obtain retroactive credit for the courses skipped, you must take the course you placed into and earn an A or B, as explained below.

AP Test: If you had Advanced Placement courses in high school and received a score of 3 on the language portion of the AP test in the language you studied, you will receive credit for 1311, 1312, and 2311 (the courses needed to meet the second language requirement). There is no fee for the credits.

CLEP Test: Scoring well in the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) is another way to receive free credits. The following chart shows examples for Spanish:

Language CLEP Paper Score CLEP Computer Score Number of credits UA Little Rock Courses
Spanish** 45 50 6 SPAN 1311, 1312
50 63 9 SPAN 1311, 1312, 2311

** If you took the CLEP test before August 2007, the cut-off score may be slightly different. Contact Testing Services at 501-916-3198 for more information.

Retroactive credit: Get college credit for what you already know. Save time and money! Students who have acquired language skills before enrolling at UA Little Rock may receive credit for their proficiency by taking the sequel language skill course and earning a grade of B or greater. Students may request a placement test to find the level at which they should enroll. Up to 12 hours, up to 3 hours of which at the upper level, may be obtained in this manner. Caution: Retro credit is not automatic: you must contact the School of Human Inquiry at or 501-916-3173 to request that credits for courses skipped be added to your transcript.
If you earn a C or D in the course you tested into, the course will count toward the language requirement but you are not eligible to receive credit for courses skipped.

Accelerated Major: Students who have already acquired advanced proficiency (usually native or heritage speakers) in Spanish can take advantage of their knowledge to progress more rapidly toward degree completion than regular program requirements allow. A student desiring accelerated status toward completion of the Spanish concentration to earn a B.A. in World Languages may demonstrate proficiency as prescribed in the Undergraduate Catalog to obtain 12-18 hours of credit counting towards major requirements. For more information or if you think you might qualify for the Accelerated Option, contact the School of Human Inquiry at or 501-916-3173.

Other Options for Completing the Second Language Requirement

  • Transfer credits: If you completed at least 9 hours of any language other than English at another college or university, including colleges or universities abroad, those transfer credits can be used to meet the second language requirement. Contact the School of Human Inquiry for more information.
  • American Sign Language (ASL): You can meet the second language requirement by completing 9 credits of American Sign Language. ASL is offered by the School of Counseling, Human Performance, and Rehabilitation.
  • If your first language is not English: If English is your second language, you may use the following core courses (9 credits) to satisfy the second language requirement:
    • RHET 1311: Composition I
    • RHET 1312: Composition II
    • ENGL 2337: World Literature or ENGL 2338: World Literature Themes or PHIL 2320: Ethics and Society
  • Intensive English Language Program: Students who complete the 9-credit Intensive English Language Program may use those credits to satisfy the second language requirement. Contact the School of Human Inquiry for further information.

For more detailed information, please see the UA Little Rock Undergraduate Catalog.