2025 UA Little Rock AP Summer Institute

In the summer of 2025, UA Little Rock Advanced Placement Summer Institutes (APSI) is partnering for the 31st year with the College Board to offer quality professional development. Teachers will be able to participate in either online or face-to-face courses in most disciplines.

Some of the very best College Board consultants in the nation are preparing to present activities, exam preparation, and resources to help teachers move students forward and excel. Check out the course offerings, and find the best fit for you!

APSI 2025 Registration Opens November 1st!

Registration links are located under the course offerings list for each week.

  • June 23 – 26, 2025 — Online, 4 Days, Monday – Thursday
  • July 7 – 10, 2025 — Online, 4 Days, Monday – Thursday
  • July 22 – 25, 2025 — Face-to-Face, 4 Days: Tuesday – Friday,
    • UA Little Rock Campus, Little Rock, AR 72204


A 2024 APSI Participant said: “Thank you so much! The workshop was so much fun and so beneficial. I learned a lot to use this year!”

An AP English Language instructor had this to say about APSI: “I believe that the AP training is some of the best professional development available. The classes usually have great suggestions for improving critical thinking skills, and many of the suggestions can be implemented in more classes than just an AP class. I use AP techniques in just about everything that I teach.”

A 2023 APSI participant said: “Best professional development I’ve attended since I started teaching.”

Definitions: Please read carefully before signing up for a course

New AP – A new AP teacher may have been teaching for years BUT has never attended an AP Summer Institute in the specific subject area or has been trained but has taught the course for only one year.

Experienced AP – An experienced AP teacher has attended at least one AP Summer Institute in the specific subject area and has taught the course for two or more years.

Combined – A combined subject area has both new teachers and experienced teachers in the course.

Course Offerings by Date

June 23 - 26, 2025 — Online, 4 Days

June 23 – 26, 2025 – Online, 4 Days
Course Consultant
AP Calculus AB New
AP Calculus ABCombined
AP English Language and Composition New
AP English Language and Composition Combined
AP English Literature and Composition — New
AP English Literature and CompositionCombined
AP African American Studies
AP U.S. History New
AP U.S. History — Combined
AP World History-Modern – Combined
Biology – New
Chemistry – New

Please Note: This APSI is conducted entirely online, therefore access to dependable internet service is a must!

Register for June 23-26 APSI

July 7 - 10, 2025 – Online, 4 Days

July 7 – 10, 2025 – Online, 4 Days
Course Consultant
AP Biology — Combined
AP Chemistry — Combined
AP Computer Science A
AP English Language and Composition New
AP English Language and Composition — Combined
AP English Literature and Composition — New
AP English Literature and CompositionCombined
AP StatisticsNew
AP Precalculus  
AP Spanish Literature and Culture
AP Environmental Science 
AP U.S. Government

Please Note: This APSI is conducted entirely online, therefore access to dependable internet service is a must!

Register for July 7 -10 APSI

July 22 - 25, 2025 - In Person at UA Little Rock, 4 Days

July 22 – 25, 2025 – In Person at UA Little Rock, 4 Days
Course Consultant
AP Art & Design New
AP Art & DesignCombined
AP BiologyCombined
AP ChemistryCombined
AP Computer Science Principles
AP Psychology
AP Physics 1
AP  English Language and Composition – Combined
AP English Literature and Composition – Combined
AP Spanish Language and Culture
AP World History -Modern Combined
AP U.S. History – Combined

This APSI week is held face-to-face on the UA Little Rock campus.

Register for July 22 – 25 APSI

Note: Due to College Board’s new Pre-AP Program and the State’s Partnership with the program, our AP Summer Institute will no longer offer Pre-AP.

Registration Fees Including College Board Materials

Subject Areas General Registration Out of State / Private School Registration
English, History & Social Sciences,
World Languages & Cultures
$525 $700
Arts, Math & Computer Science, Sciences
Includes $25 lab fee
$550 $725

View information on how to pay for APSI.

Cancellation Policy

The cancellation deadline is on May 15. The Cancellation fee is $500, plus $80 for materials.

Note: If a teacher is registered and is a no show for APSI, a fee of $500 plus the cost of College Board materials, $80, will be charged. Cancellation or no show fees will be charged regardless of whether or not the teacher was offered state funding to attend APSI.

This AP Summer Institute has been endorsed by College Board AP.