Access to Courses

Please use your university email address and password to login to the form below to request course copy or viewer access to a specific course. Note that any role that can access student records (ie. Instructor, Course Coordinator, and Teaching Assistant) must be requested through the office of Records and Registration.

Log in with your university email to access this form.

Information about Course Roles

Most users are added to the courses in which they belong automatically by our enrollment script. Either the instructor of record or the department chair can also grant the following types of access through the request form:

Course Copy Access – allows users to copy course contents without being listed as the instructor.
Course Builder – allows users to edit content and provide design assistance to the instructor of record, with the exception of some areas that contain student records.
Viewer Access – provides view-only access to courses for faculty and department staff.
Incomplete Access – students with an official incomplete can be added to a section of the course in the current term to finish collaborative work like group assignments and discussion boards.
Additional levels of access can be granted by providing a short narrative regarding the nature of the request.

You may also request access to a course by using the form. Once you’ve submitted a request, we will contact the appropriate party for permission and notify you once the request has been completed.

Please keep in mind that we can’t add users as the instructor of a course; this must be assigned through Banner. Users in the student role must also be added to a course by the enrollment script, which happens automatically when they register for a course in BOSS.

Any additional roles that can access student records in the grade center — like Teaching Assistants and Course Coordinators — must be assigned to the course in Banner. Once assigned, these users will be automatically added to the course by the enrollment feeds.