Suicide Prevention Month 2017

purple and teal awareness ribbonCounseling Services Hosts Suicide Prevention Month!

This year, over 1,100 college students will die by suicide. There is hope. Suicide IS preventable. In conjunction with the Office of the Dean of Students and the Department of Public Safety, Counseling Services is hosting several events to promote suicide prevention and awareness. We hope you will join us for one or more of the following events!

Selfies Stations for Suicide Awareness

10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Tuesday, September 19
Donaghey Student Center Foyer  *  University Commons Lawn  *  Lawn between Fine Arts & ETAS buildings

Stop by one of our three “Selfie Stations” and share your picture with hashtags #UALR Counseling Services, #OK2Talk, #StopSuicide. We’ll take your photo and post it to our Facebook page UA Little Rock Counseling Services. Tag yourself and get your friends to “like” and “share” your selfie! Selfies that get the most “likes,” “shares,” or is voted “Best Spirit” by Counseling Services will WIN! Great prizes will be awarded in October! Don’t forget to pick up your free t-shirt!

Speak Up – Speak Out!

6 p.m. to 8 p.m., Tuesday, September 19
EIT Auditorium

The compelling story of the illicit prescription drug use and illegal substance abuse on campuses across America. Featured guests include the U.S. Drug Administration, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Arkansas State Drug Director, and the Arkansas State Board Pharmacy. Hosted by the William Christian Doerhoff Memorial Foundation

Brain Games with Mindfulness on the Mall

10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., Wednesday, September 27
Donaghey Student Center Foyer

Challenge your concepts of reality and perception! What you perceive to be true and what is actually true are not always the same leading to anxiety and depression. Try out Mind Ball, on loan from the generous folks at the Museum of Discovery. Visit with our special guest and sleight of hand magician Aaron Acosta. Feed your brain at our Trail Mix Bar. Practice a little mindfulness and yoga in the Mall Area.

Depression Screening

10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Tuesday, October 3
Donaghey Student Center Foyer

Counseling Services, in collaboration with the UA Little Rock Student Social Work Organization and Student Nurse Association as well as community partners, Arkansas Employee Assistance Program and NAMI Arkansas will provide a depression screening for the UA Little Rock Community. This annual event provides information about mental health resources available to faculty, staff and students, and promotes help seeking behavior.



Posted in: Counseling Blog, News

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