Academic Offenses

The most common offenses subject to grade penalty and/or disciplinary action are:

  1. Cheating on an examination or quiz: To give or receive, to offer or solicit information on any quiz or examination including (a) copying from another student’s paper; (b) using prepared materials, notes, or texts other than those specifically permitted by the professor during an examination; (c) collaborating with another student during an examination; (d) buying, selling, stealing, soliciting, or transmitting an examination, or any material purported to be the unreleased content of an upcoming examination, or the use of such material; (e) substituting for another person during an examination or allowing such substitution for oneself; (1) bribing a person to obtain examination information.
  2. Plagiarism: To adopt and reproduce as one’s own, to appropriate for one’s own use and incorporate in one’s own work without acknowledgment, the ideas of others or passages from their writings and works.
  3. Collusion: To obtain from another party, without specific approval in advance by the professor, assistance in the production of work offered for credit to the extent that the work reflects the ideas or skills of the party consulted rather that those of the person in whose name the work is submitted.
  4. Duplicity: To offer for credit identical or substantially unchanged work in two or more courses, without specific advance approval of the professors involved.

To report an academic offense, please complete the Academic Allegation Report Form.

Note: Regardless of the outcome of the faculty/student conference, the faculty member is responsible for immediately notifying the dean of students/designee of the results. The student is responsible for seeing the Dean of Students/designee within six class days of receiving this form. For information regarding the appeal procedures and fundamental due process/student rights, contact of Office of The Dean of Students.