Reporting Academic Dishonesty

Why Report Academic Dishonesty and Follow University Policies for Reporting?

As a faculty member, it’s vital to be aware of why reporting academic dishonesty and following university policy for reporting is important.

  • If academic dishonesty is ignored, respect for the institution and its faculty will decline.
  • Office of the Dean of Students houses all judicial records on students. If students have previously committed academic dishonesty, they may be subject to more severe disciplinary sanction, including suspension or expulsion.
  • Following the proper procedure for reporting academic dishonesty is important for the protection of the rights of the university as well as the student.
  • Not only is academic dishonesty an academic violation but according to court cases, the university and the AAUP, it is a behavioral violation as well.
  • A charge of academic dishonesty requires that the student be provided with appropriate due process.
  • If students know they will be sanctioned for academic dishonesty they are less likely to engage in such behavior.

To report an alleged academic offense, please complete the Academic Allegation Report Form.