Student Violations

This list of student or student organization violations is merely illustrative and should not be taken to be all inclusive. A student or student organization is subject to disciplinary action whenever the behavior violates university behavioral standards, the Code, or federal, state, and local laws.

Students away from the campus as university representatives are subject to disciplinary action by the university for breaches of conduct. The accompanying sponsor is authorized to maintain good order and good representation during the trip. Upon return to campus, students may be disciplined for misconduct during the trip.

1. Academic Dishonesty


Students shall not give, receive, offer, or solicit information on examinations, quizzes, etc. This includes the following classes of dishonesty:

  • Copying from another student’s paper.
  • Use during the examination of prepared materials, notes, or texts other than those specifically permitted by the professor.
  • Collaboration with another student during the examination.
  • Buying, selling, stealing, soliciting, or transmitting an examination or any material purported to be the unreleased contents of a coming examination, or the use of any such material.
  • Substituting for another person during an examination or allowing such substitution for oneself.
  • Bribery of any person to obtain examination information.


Collusion is obtaining from another party, without specific approval in advance by the professor, assistance in the production of work offered for credit, to the extent that the work reflects the ideas of the party consulted rather than those of the person in whose name the work is submitted.


To offer for credit identical or substantially unchanged work in two or more courses, without specific advance approval of the professors involved.


To adopt and reproduce as one’s own, to appropriate to one’s own use, and incorporate in one’s own work without acknowledgement the ideas or passages from the writings or works of others.

2. Aiding, Abetting, or Concealing Violations

Any student, student organization, or groups of students aiding, abetting, or concealing a violator or violation is subject to disciplinary action.

3. Alcoholic Beverages

Students shall not generally drink, dispense, or process alcoholic beverages on university property or at university functions, provided that persons of legal age, as prescribed by state law regarding alcoholic beverages, may possess and consume such beverages in the privacy of assigned rooms in university apartments or houses, or on the university property approved for such activities. Irresponsible behavior while under the influence of intoxicants is not condoned and disciplinary action will be taken.

4. Classroom Disruption

Students may not disturb normal classroom procedures by distracting or disruptive behavior. Any student who is involved in such disturbances may be subject to disciplinary action. (Refer to Obstruction or Disruption, item 20.)

5. Conduct Inappropriate for an Academic Setting

Any student behavior that contradicts a reasonable person’s expectation of orderly university function will subject the student to disciplinary action.

6. Destruction, Misuse, Damage, or Defacing of Property

Any student, student organization, or group of students participating in activities that destroy, misuse, damage, or deface private, personal, or university property will be held liable for full damages.

7. Disrespect for Authority

Failure to comply with instructions and directions of university officials or law enforcement officers acting in the performance of their duties will not be condoned by the university. The student failing to comply with such instructions and directives, including identifying himself or herself by ID card will be subject to disciplinary action.

8. Disturbance/Disruption Due to a Mental Disorder

Refer to Standards and Procedures for Involuntary Administrative Withdrawal Due to a Mental Disorder (Section X, Withdrawal).

9. Failure to Respond to a Summons From a University Official

Failure to respond to a summons from the dean of students or designee to discuss an alleged student violation will subject the student to disciplinary action, to have a bar placed against his or her re-enrollment, or to be administratively withdrawn from the university, or impose the sanction with the right to appeal to the University Judicial Appeals Committee within ten (10) class days.

10. False Reporting of Emergency

Any student(s) making a false report of a bomb, fire, or other emergency in any building, structure, of facility on university premises or university related premises by means of activating a fire alarm or in any other manner has committed a serious offense and the student(s) will be subject to separation from the university.

11. Falsification, Forgery, and Dishonesty

Any student, student organization, or group of students who furnish false or misleading information on admission, registration, organization records and reports, or identification cards; or who alter any university record, report, document, identification card, or parking decal; or who misuse their name or forge the name of another in any manner on any record, report, identification card, document, etc.; or who use the identification card of another may be subject to separation from the university or attend sessions or workshops on ethics or values, disciplinary probation, or other sanctions appropriate to the wrongdoing.

12. Gambling

Gambling on campus is strictly prohibited. The severity of the penalty for the offense against the gambling regulation will be determined by the nature of the case. The student will be subject to disciplinary action.

13. Group Offenses

Any student organizations, groups, clubs, societies, or other segments of the university community are responsible for compliance with the behavioral standards of the university and with federal, state, and local laws. Upon satisfactory proof that the organization did not discourage or did not take reasonable steps to prevent violations of university behavioral standards or federal, state, and local laws, the organization will be subject to disciplinary action.

14. Hazing

A student, alumnus, volunteer or employee of a fraternal organization of a school, college, university, or other educational institution in Arkansas shall not engage in hazing or encourage, aid, or assist any other student, alumnus, volunteer or employee of a fraternal organization in hazing. (Refer to Policies, Rules, and Regulations Section, An Act to Prohibit Hazing in Any School, College, University, or other Educational Institution in Arkansas, and for Other Purposes.)

A student who fails to report promptly his or her knowledge or any reasonable information within his or her knowledge of the presence and practice of hazing to an appropriate administrative official, e.g., dean of students, shall be deemed to be a participant in hazing under the provisions of this section. Upon conviction, in addition to any punishment imposed by the court, the student shall be expelled from the university.

15. Illegal Selling of Books

Any student, student organization, or group of students selling books belonging to another person, organization, firm, or institution will be subject to disciplinary action. The violator may be subject to restitution, university or community service, disciplinary probation, or other sanctions appropriate to the wrongdoing.

16. Illegal Visits to Other Campus

Because of the grave danger involved which could result in the serious injury to or death of an individual, officials of the university neither condone not authorize visits to the campuses of other colleges and universities for the purpose of defacing property or creating other disturbances. Any student involved in such disturbance acts at his or her own risk and will be subject to disciplinary action.

17. Illegal Use of Telephones

Any student charging or permitting to be charged any long distance calls to any telephone or university premises without proper authorization will be requested to make restitution and may be subject to disciplinary action.

18. Interference with Emergency Evacuation Procedure

Any student, student organization, or group of students found to be intentionally interfering with emergency evacuation procedures prescribed for any building, structure, or facility on university premises, or failing to follow prescribed emergency procedures such as willful disregard of the emergency alarm signal is endangering the lives of others and will be subject to separation from the university.

19. Lewd, Indecent, or Obscene Behavior

Lewd, indecent, or obscene behavior is not condoned by the university. The severity of the sanction for the offense will be determined by the nature of the case.

20. Obstruction or Disruption

Any student, student organization, or group of students participating in activities that obstruct or disrupt any university function, mission, or process including, but not limited to, instruction, administration, meeting or assembly, ceremony, or recognized student activity, or who violates the rights of others will be subject to separation from the university. The examples which follow are meant to illustrate some but not all of the situations or types of conduct intended to be covered:

a) A student would be in violation if he or she participated in conduct which he or she knew or should have known would prevent or block physical entry to or exit from any university building, corridor, or room to anyone apparently entitled to enter or leave in connection with a university-run or university-authorized activity.

b) A student would be in violation if, in attending a speech or program on campus sponsored by or with permission of the university, he or she engaged in shouted interruptions, whistling, derisive laughter, or any other means which alone or in conjunction with the conduct of others presented or seriously interfered with a fair hearing of the speech or program, under circumstances where the student knew or reasonably should have known this would occur.

c) A student would be in violation if in a classroom he or she used techniques similar to those specified in the preceding paragraph, or filibuster-type tactics, or other tactics, which by themselves or in conjunction with the conduct of others, prevented or seriously interfered with the carrying on of the teaching and learning process, under circumstances where the student knew or reasonably should have known this would occur.

d) A student would be in violation if he or she intentionally obstructed a university official or employee engaged in the lawful performance of duties.

21. Physical Abuse

Any student, student organization, or group of students participating in activities that endanger or attempt to endanger the physical health, safety, and rights of another or self is prohibited. The definition of physical abuse includes: battery or assaults by any means such as physical harassment, or conduct that threatens the health and safety of any person on university property and in other locations in the immediate vicinity of the campus, e.g., nearby fraternity/sorority lodges, student religious centers, athletic apartments, or housing space, etc., or in connection with official university functions.

22. Possession of Firearms and other Dangerous Weapons or Explosives

Possession, discharge, or other use of any weapon is prohibited on the grounds or in the buildings of the UA Little Rock campuses or other area controlled by UA Little Rock, except that a handgun may be possessed by an individual who has a concealed handgun permit and has completed enhanced certification training in accordance to state law. Storage of any weapon, including handguns, is prohibited at any location owned or operated by UA Little Rock, except that a concealed handgun may be stored in a licensee’s locked and unattended motor vehicle.

A weapon is any object designed or used for inflicting bodily harm or physical damage. Weapons include, but are not limited to: firearms, air pistols, air rifles, fireworks, incendiary devices, knives with a blade length of four inches or greater, blackjacks, metal knuckles, bows, arrows, nunchucks, tasers or other electrical stun devices, or any other such offensive objects. Arkansas state law defines a handgun as “any firearm, other than a fully automatic firearm, with a barrel length of less than twelve inches (12″) that is designed, made, or adapted to be fired with one (1) hand.” A concealed handgun must be covered from observation so as to prevent public view.


Carrying a concealed weapon at the following locations and events is prohibited, whether or not a person obtains enahanced licensure:

  1. Collegiate athletic events as defined by state law, provided they are posted as firearm sensitive areas and have a security plan approved by the Arkansas State Police.
  2. A public K-12 school, prekindergarten, or daycare facility.
  3. Grievance or disciplinary meetings conducted in accordance with certain specifications outlined in state law.

This policy does not apply to:

  1. Law enforcement officers or other security personnel employed or contracted by UA Little Rock who are specifically authorized to carry a weapon in the scope of their employment.
  2. Non-university law enforcement officers employed by local, state or federal law enforcement agencies engaged in work on university property and required to carry a weapon in the scope of their duties.

Conduct of Licensed Concealed Carry Holders with Enhanced Certifications

Licensed concealed carry holders with enhanced certifications must do the following:

  1. Must have a license and enhanced certification to carry a concealed handgun on campus;
  2. Must comply with all relevant federal or state laws;
  3. Must conceal the weapon at all times;
  4. Must maintain possession and control of the weapon at all times, unless the weapon is stored in a locked and unattended vehicle;
  5. May not intentionally display or use the handgun in a threatening manner unless such display or use is allowed by federal or state law; and
  6. May not discharge a concealed handgun on the grounds or in the building of any campus, division, unit or other area controlled by UA Little Rock unless such discharge is allowed by law.

Violations of the weapons policy or state law regarding carrying concealed handguns may result in disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal from the university.

23. Possession, Sale, or Consumption of Narcotics, Depressants, Stimulants, Hallucinogens, or Solvents

The university does not condone the possession, consumption, ingestion, injection, or inhalation (without prescription or medical authorization) of substances that have the capacity to change a person’s mood, behavior, or mind, or modify and relieve pain, such as but not limited to opiates, amphetamines, barbiturates, hallucinogens, psychedelics, or solvents. Any student(s) found to be in conflict with the above or in violation of federal, state, and local narcotic or controlled substance laws will be subject to disciplinary action. Sanctions for the illegal sale or distribution of drugs (narcotics, depressants, stimulants, hallucinogens, etc.) on campus or within the institution’s jurisdiction or at any event controlled by the university include separation from the university and referral for prosecution.

24. Raiding University Facilities

Raiding of university-owned or university-operated facilities is a serious breach of behavior and will not be condoned by the university. Individual students or groups who in any way disrupt the normal operation for which the facility is being used or who interfere with, block, or impede the flow of pedestrian traffic will be notified by an official of the university that they are in violation of the behavioral regulations of the institution. Individuals identified are subject to disciplinary action or federal, state, and local laws; non-students are subject only to prosecution under federal, state, and local laws.

25. Reproduction of Materials

Students may not reproduce, in whole or in part, any classroom lectures or study materials presented by a professor without specific approval in advance by the professor. Publication of any such material shall only be with the express consent of the professor.

26. Sexual Harassment

The university will not tolerate sexual harassment, or encourage, aid, or assist any other student in the commission of this offense. (Refer to the Statement of Policy on Sexual Harassment in this handbook.) Where there is probable cause to believe that the campus policy prohibiting sexual harassment has been violated, the campus will pursue strong disciplinary action through its own internal judicial channels.

27. Sexual Assault/Forcible or Non-Forcible Sex Offenses

The university will not tolerate sexual assault in any form, including rape and acquaintance rape. A student or employee charged with sexual assault can be prosecuted under Arkansas criminal statutes and disciplined by the university. Even if the criminal justice authorities choose not to prosecute, the university can pursue disciplinary action. Where there is probably cause to believe that the campus regulations prohibiting sexual assault have been violated, the campus will pursue strong disciplinary action through its own internal judicial channels.

28. Smoking on Campus

It is university policy that all locations of the university are smoke-free. Violations of this policy will result in progressive intervention ranging from disciplinary warning to suspension.

29. Starting Fires or Other Acts of Arson

Any student starting fires or committing other acts of arson in or on university-owned or university-controlled property, facilities, and equipment without authority, is subject to separation from the university.

30. Unauthorized Appropriation of Property

Appropriation of or attempts to appropriate private, personal, organizational, or university property without the consent of the owner is a serious offense and subjects the student, student organization, or group of students to separation from the university or other appropriate sanctions for the wrongdoing depending on the severity of the offense.

31. Unauthorized Demonstration and Mass Gatherings

All students, student organizations, or groups of students who in any way disrupt the normal operation of the university, or who interfere with, block, or impede the normal flow of pedestrian or vehicular traffic, or who in any way interfere with the educational pursuits of members of the university community will be subject to separation from the university. To prevent interference with academic activities and to protect students from violations of state laws and statutes, students shall not violate state statutes. It shall be unlawful for any person to take possession, keep possession, or otherwise occupy or continue to maintain presence on or in the buildings and grounds of any institution owned and operated by the State of Arkansas, whether the same be enclosed or unenclosed, from and after the time that he or she shall have been duly notified by a security officer or other authorized employee of the institution to leave. Any person in violation or refusing to comply immediately with the notice to quit shall be punished by a fine, imprisonment or both.

32. Unauthorized Entry

Unauthorized entry by a student, student organization, or group of students to university-owned or university-controlled facilities or property, or property of an individual, is not condoned by the university. Any student, student organization, or group of students found to be in violation of this regulation may be subject to separation from the university.

33. Unauthorized Possession

Unauthorized possession of examinations, equipment, property, or supplies of the university or another person is not condoned. Unauthorized possession of keys, or making or causing to be made any key or keys for any building, laboratory, facility, or room of any building of the university is a serious offense. Any student or student organization violating this regulation will be subject to disciplinary action or other appropriate sanctions for the wrongdoing.

34. Unauthorized Soliciting, Advertising, Selling, and Distribution of Material

A student, student organization, or group of students may not solicit, advertise, sell, or distribute material of any nature on university owned or controlled property without approval. Request for approval should be made to the dean of students.

35. Unauthorized Use or Alteration of Emergency or Safety Equipment

Unauthorized use or alteration of firefighting equipment, safety devices, or other emergency or safety equipment will not be condoned by the university. Any student or group of students in violation of this regulation will be subject to separation from the university.

36. Verbal Abuse

Any student, student organization, or group of students found responsible for verbal abuse will be subject to disciplinary sanctions. Verbal abuse includes but is not limited to verbal harassment, threats of violence, profanity used to threaten or demean, and verbal intimidation. Forms of abuse include spoken, written, or electronic.

37. Violation of the Code of Computer Ethics and Misuse of the Computer System

Violations of the statement of policy as outlined in the Campus Network: Security Policies & Procedures for Acceptable Use or other misuse of the UALR computer system are treated like other student violations of the behavioral standards of the Code as outlined in this section of the handbook. i.e., cheating, plagiarism, collusion, or the like, or violating federal, state, and local laws. Students failing to comply with the Campus Network: Security Policies & Procedures for Acceptable Use will be subject to disciplinary action and/or referral for prosecution.

38. Violation of Sanctions

Violations of the terms of the dean of students’ sanctions may subject the violator to separation from the university.