CADA (Chancellor’s Committee on the ADA) is taking requests for funding improvements to both physical and programmatic access at UA Little Rock. This includes Bowen School of Law.
To make a request, go to the CADA website and select “Make a Request.” If you’re unsure if your request is appropriate for the committee, send it anyway! We will consider each request, and you will get a confirmation email that your request was received. The committee meets in the spring to make decisions on spending priorities.
A bit about CADA from the website:
UA Little Rock’s dedication to providing an accessible and quality education to students with disabilities is perhaps best evidenced by the ADA Committee that the Chancellor has funded for many years. Funds from this committee are spent on creating and maintaining usable, equitable, inclusive and sustainable learning environments, by improving access to both the built environment and UALR’s programs and services (this might include accessible computer equipment, for example).
If you have any questions, please email me privately. We look forward to hearing from you.
All the best,
Reed Claiborne | Chair of CADA