Dr. Gary Szirony

A Pioneer in Distance Learning

Dr. Gary Szirony is known nationally for his rehabilitation research. Now he is becoming known – along with UA Little Rock – for pioneering research in distance learning.

An assistant professor, Dr. Szirony coordinates the master’s program in Rehabilitation Counseling for 300 students scattered throughout the world.

Dr. Szirony has incorporated his field level efforts in distance education to add to his research focus: the effectiveness of distance education. Two of his recent publications focus on the application and efficacy of different forms of teaching in adult communication and learning.
Other areas of research focus include neuropsychology and rehabilitation. One of the articles Dr. Szirony coauthored last year focused on the prediction of competitive employment among people with physical and sensory disabilities.

The Encyclopedia of Counseling invited Dr. Szirony to publish an essay on transactional analysis, confirming the professor’s national expertise.

Dr. Szirony earned a Ph.D. from Kent State University in counseling and human development/rehabilitation psychology. He maintained a private practice after receiving a B.A. degree from Ottawa University and an M.E. degree from Kent State. Szirony & Associates performed vocational and psychological assessment and evaluation, forensic expertise testimony, career counseling, employer consulting, and job and search skills training. He taught at the University of Akron, Pennsylvania State University, and Kent State before joining UA Little Rock in 2003.

Posted in: 2010, Research

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