Public Service

  • Amy O. Barnes
    Integrating Service in Public Relations Incorporating service learning into her courses, advancing her profession, and lending her expertise to strengthen causes, Amy O. Barnes,…  
  • Dr. Mark Giese
    Dr. Mark Giese, associate professor of mass communication, embodies the spirit of UA Little Rock’s commitment to “walk the walk” of service to the…  
  • Dr. Lawrence S. Powell
    Influencing Insurance Policy While his honors, professional memberships, publications, and presentations are extensive, Lars Powell, Whitbeck-Beyer Chair of Insurance and Financial Services and associate professor…  
  • Ken Gould
    Improving Law and Community Ken Gould is described as a champion of public service, whether related or unrelated to his legal expertise, and has…  
  • James K. Carr
    Building up the Builders An active member of the National Association of Home Builders’ (NAHB) Construction and Health Committee, Jim Carr has served the…  
  • Dr. John Burgin
    Teaching Literacy through Summer Camps Dr. John Burgin coordinates the Early Childhood Education program. He started a Summer Literacy Camp 10 years ago that…  
  • Dr. Eric R. Kaufmann
    Promoting STEM Education Upon realizing that Arkansas didn’t have a Science Olympiad, Dr. Eric R. Kaufmann, professor in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics,…  
  • Dr. Elisabeth Sherwin
     Committing to Student and Faculty Success Dr. Elisabeth Sherwin’s service has been demonstrated through her work with the Institutional Review Board (IRB); student scholarships…  
  • Sarah Howard Jenkins-Hobbs
    An Authority on Contracts Sarah Howard Jenkins-Hobbs is a nationally recognized scholar in the field of contracts and commercial law. She is an expert…  
  • Mike Tramel
    Connecting the Community to STEM Mike Tramel has played an important and active role in generating students’ interest in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics…