Gary L. Geissler

Associate Professor Gary Geissler encourages his students to practice until they get it perfect – with real clients who have real marketing issues.

Hands-on learning is one of the mainstays in Dr. Geissler’s marketing classes. Students work to develop products, marketing campaigns, and solutions for clients that have included high schools, the Navy, the Federal Bureau of Investigations, and numerous retail outlets. The experience was lasting for his students, and they have solid examples of their work to include in resumes and on job applications.

“In these classes, we’re working to build a bridge between college and career,” Dr. Geissler said. “I tell my students I wouldn’t want to teach if I had not practiced what I preached. We prepare students for the realities of the workplace, and employers look for students who have had high-involvement learning.”

Teaching helps Dr. Geissler fulfill a life-long dream of communicating the lessons he learned in corporate America, and students appreciate his real business experience.

geisslerDr. Geissler received bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Louisiana State University – Shreveport and a doctorate degree from the University of Georgia. He was recognized as a Distinguished Teaching Professor by the Society of Marketing Advances and was named as a finalist for the Sherwin-Williams Distinguished Teaching Professor Award. Dr. Geissler is a teaching fellow in the UA Little Rock Teaching Academy and is a member of the American Marketing Association, the Academy for Marketing Science, and the Association for Consumer Research.