Article III. The Faculty Senate

Revision 43, 9-4-2022

The Faculty Senate shall be composed of full- time faculty members holding the ranks of university professor, distinguished professor, professor, associate professor, assistant professor, or instructor who are elected by the full-time faculty members of Collections and Archives and all academic colleges and schools that report directly to the executive vice chancellor and provost. Schools that administratively report to a college dean are considered to be part of that college for purposes of representation in the Faculty Senate. All questions concerning representation of an academic college or school in the Faculty Senate shall be resolved by the Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate, subject to appeal to the Faculty Senate. Faculty who serve as department chairpersons are eligible for election to the Faculty Senate. Faculty members holding appointments that require them to devote more than half time to administrative work may not serve in the Faculty Senate. The chancellor and the executive vice chancellor and provost are exempt from this requirement, and shall serve as ex officio members (with vote) of the Faculty Senate. The chairperson of the Staff Senate and the president of the Student Government Association shall serve as ex officio (with vote) members of the Faculty Senate.

The faculty of each of the aforementioned colleges or schools with ten (10) or more faculty shall be entitled to elect a minimum of one senator, with additional Faculty Senate seats apportioned on the following basis: a second Faculty Senate seat for those colleges or schools with twenty (20) to twenty-nine (29) full-time faculty; a third Faculty Senate seat for those colleges and schools with thirty (30) to thirty-nine (39) full-time faculty members; a fourth Faculty Senate seat for those colleges and schools with forty (40) to forty-nine (49) full-time faculty members; a fifth Faculty Senate seat for those colleges and schools with fifty (50) to fifty-nine (59) full-time faculty members; and so forth for each additional ten (10) full-time faculty. The Faculty Senate will be reapportioned every two years, prior to Faculty Senate elections, by the Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate, based on current information as to the number of full- time faculty members in each college or school. If a new college or school is created in the year between reapportionments, the Faculty Senate shall be reapportioned prior to Faculty Senate elections in that interim year. The Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate shall assign faculty members of units not otherwise represented in the Faculty Senate to a single unit solely for purposes of representation in the Faculty Senate provided that such full-time faculty members number twenty (20) or greater; otherwise, the Executive Committee shall, subject to challenge on the floor of the Faculty Senate, assign such faculty members to one or more units that are represented in the Faculty Senate, such assignment being solely for purposes of representation in the Faculty Senate. When a single unit is created for purposes of representing faculty members of units not otherwise represented in the Faculty Senate, the Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate has the responsibility for supervising elections to the Faculty Senate from this unit.

Colleges and schools that have academic departments and that are represented by three or fewer Faculty Senators shall not have more than one Faculty Senator from the same academic department. Colleges and schools that have academic departments and that are represented by more than three but fewer than nine Faculty Senators shall not have more than two Faculty Senators from the same academic department. Colleges and schools that have academic departments and that are represented by nine or more Faculty Senators shall not have more than three Faculty Senators from the same academic department. This requirement may be waived by the Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate only when the Executive Committee has determined that following the requirement would make it impossible for a college or school to elect its full complement of Faculty Senators. In all instances the Executive Committee and the faculty of each college or school should be sensitive to the need to have Faculty Senators from as many different academic departments as possible.

Functions of the Faculty Senate

Within the framework of this Constitution, the authority of the UALR Assembly, and such governmental principles as are officially established for the University of Arkansas multicampus system, the Faculty Senate shall be, under the Board of Trustees, the legislative and advisory body on educational policies and programs on this campus. The Faculty Senate shall have the right to make recommendations on all matters that concern the educational mission and effectiveness of the University.

The areas of the Faculty Senate’s legislative authority shall include but are not limited to the following:

  1. Admission requirements
  2. Curriculum and courses
  3. Degrees and requirements for degrees
  4. Calendar and schedules
  5. Awards, honors and honorary degrees
  6. Interpretation of its own legislation

In addition to its legislative authority and all actions taken under this authority, the Faculty Senate shall make comments and recommendations on matters of multicampus concern, directing them to the chancellor and, through the chancellor, to the president or other appropriate system-wide University authority. Similarly, the Faculty Senate shall make comments and recommendations on matters of UALR concern, directing them either to the chancellor alone or to both the chancellor and the president of the University of Arkansas, to be submitted by the president to the Board of Trustees.

The chancellor may approve or veto any legislative action of the Faculty Senate within a period from the eleventh through the twenty-fifth calendar day after such action has been presented to the chancellor, unless the Assembly has been petitioned to amend or rescind the Faculty Senate legislation. In the latter case, the chancellor’s approval or veto shall be made no later than fifteen (15) calendar days after the Assembly has voted on and failed to approve a motion to amend or rescind a legislative action of the Faculty Senate. The chancellor shall provide written reasons for a veto to the Faculty Senate. By a three-fifths vote of those present and voting, provided that a quorum is present, the Faculty Senate may override the chancellor’s veto. Unless the chancellor withdraws his or her objection within fifteen (15) calendar days after receiving written notification, including reasons, of an override, the matter will be appealed to the president of the University for mediation. If settlement is not achieved within thirty (30) calendar days, the president shall submit the issue to the Board of Trustees for resolution.

Officers of the Faculty Senate

Officers of the Faculty Senate shall be the president, the immediate past president, the vice president, the secretary, the parliamentarian, and counsel. The president of the Assembly shall serve as president of the Faculty Senate. The vice president, secretary, and parliamentarian shall be elected by the Faculty Senate from the elected membership of the Faculty Senate for two-year terms. In the event that a senator elected to one of these offices ceases to be a member of the Faculty Senate, another senator shall be elected to fulfill the remainder of the term of office. The election of new officers shall take place during the first meeting of the academic year in even-numbered years after new members of the Faculty Senate have been elected. Vacancies shall be filled by election at the next regularly scheduled Faculty Senate meeting. All Officers of the Faculty Senate shall be ex officio members of the Faculty Senate with vote.

The president shall preside at meetings of the Faculty Senate and of the Executive Committee, and also shall discharge the responsibilities specified elsewhere in this constitution. The president of the Assembly or designated elected member of the Faculty Senate Executive Committee shall have the responsibility for convening the initial meetings of the councils and elected standing committees of the Assembly and Faculty Senate in the fall semester.

The vice president shall be the presiding officer at Faculty Senate meetings in the absence of the president, and shall also serve as vice president of the Executive Committee.

The secretary shall be responsible for preparing the minutes of each Faculty Senate meeting and for submitting the minutes to the office of the executive vice chancellor and provost for distribution to all members of the University Assembly. The secretary also shall serve as secretary of the Executive Committee. The secretary shall collect papers and documents concerned with Faculty Senate matters and transfer them to a permanent archive at the end of each academic year.

The parliamentarian shall advise the officers and members of the Faculty Senate on questions of procedure in order that the business of the Faculty Senate be transacted correctly, efficiently, and impartially. The parliamentarian also shall serve as parliamentarian of the Executive Committee.

The immediate past president shall serve as advisor to the president of the Faculty Senate. In the event the immediate past president is no longer eligible to serve on the Faculty Senate, the most recent past president who is eligible to serve on the Faculty Senate shall serve in that position.

The counsel shall be responsible for ensuring that copies of records related to faculty governance are maintained in the permanent archive. The counsel shall be an elected member of the Faculty Senate and shall provide expertise to the executive committee on current policies and the historical background on important issues. The counsel shall be appointed by the elected officers of the Faculty Senate to a renewable, two-year term that is staggered relative to the Faculty Senate officers. The appointment shall be reported to the Faculty Senate.

Persons newly elected as officers of the Faculty Senate shall assume their offices immediately after the meeting at which they are elected, except that the outgoing secretary remains responsible for the minutes of that election meeting.

Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate

The officers of the Faculty Senate and the executive vice chancellor and provost shall constitute the Executive Committee of the Senate. The Executive Committee shall prepare the agenda as provided under Meetings of the Senate. Subject to challenge on the floor of the Senate, the Executive Committee shall label Faculty Senate agenda items in such manner as to indicate whether they are advisory in effect or authoritative unless vetoed by the chancellor.

Subject to challenge on the floor of the Faculty Senate, the Executive Committee may refer proposals for agenda items to an appropriate council or standing committee of the Senate; in the event of such referral, the body receiving the item shall report to the Faculty Senate what action it has taken in regard to the referred item. Also, subject to challenge on the floor of the Senate, the Executive Committee shall interpret Faculty Senate provisions on credentials and elections.

During the spring semester of odd-numbered years, prior to Faculty Senate elections, the Executive Committee shall reapportion Faculty Senate membership among the eligible academic units, such reapportionment being based on the current number of full-time faculty members in each academic unit and as specified under Composition of the Faculty Senate (above).

The Executive Committee shall meet at least once each academic year with the elected officers of the Staff Senate and the Student Government Association on matters of joint concern, and the secretary of the Faculty Senate shall provide the Senate with the minutes of such meetings.Target Text

Meetings of the Faculty Senate

Meetings of the Faculty Senate, except when concerned with personnel matters, shall be open to the public. The officers of the Staff Senate and the executive officers of the Student Government Association shall be welcome to address the Faculty Senate at the beginning of each meeting, the exact period of time for each speaker to be determined by the president of the Faculty Senate. The president of the Faculty Senate may extend or withhold speaking privileges to persons who are not members of the Senate, subject to challenge on the floor of the Senate.

The Faculty Senate shall meet on call by the president of the Faculty Senate at least four times between August and May of the academic year. The Faculty Senate also may be convened on the initiative of the chancellor. In addition, the Faculty Senate will meet on formal petition to the president of the Faculty Senate by five or more members of the Faculty Senate; such meeting to be held within fifteen (15) calendar days of the presentation of the petition. At any meeting the president shall preside; in the president’s absence, the vice president shall preside; and in the absence of both, the president’s designee shall preside.

The Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate shall compile the agenda and submit it to the office of executive vice chancellor and provost for distribution. The agenda must be distributed to all members of the Senate, the executive officers of the Student Government Association, the officers of the Staff Senate, and to all members of the UALR Assembly through the campus mail not later than five school days before the time of the meeting. A petition for the inclusion of any item of business signed by five or more of the members of the faculty or by one Faculty Senator that is submitted to the president of the Faculty Senate not later than one week before the deadline for distribution of the agenda shall result in that item of business being included on the agenda. The chancellor, the executive vice chancellor and provost, the officers of the Staff Senate, and the officers of the Student Government Association also may place any item on the agenda by submitting it to the president of the Faculty Senate not later than one week before the deadline for distribution of the agenda.

At any meeting of the Faculty Senate no action shall be taken on any business that is not on the agenda for that meeting unless four-fifths of the Faculty Senate present shall consent and provided that a quorum is present.

A majority of the Faculty Senate membership shall constitute a quorum. The Faculty Senate shall be the judge of the elections, returns, and qualifications of its own members, and shall have the power to expel a member for nonattendance, disorderly behavior, or misconduct by the concurrence of two- thirds of those present and voting, provided a quorum is present.

Except where specified otherwise in this Constitution, matters placed before the Faculty Senate for a vote shall be decided by a majority vote of those present and voting. Voting shall ordinarily be by voice, but in cases of doubt any member may request a hand count vote. Other methods of voting may be required by twenty-five percent of the members present. There is no provision for proxy or cumulative voting.

Unless otherwise noted in this Constitution, all meetings of the Faculty Senate shall be governed by parliamentary procedures as set out in the most recent edition of Robert’s Rules of Order.

Elections of the Faculty Senate and Faculty Senate Officers

Faculty Senate elections shall be by secret ballot, and shall be held before the end of the Spring semester of each year, the exact date to be determined by the dean of each college or school. Senators elected at these college or school meetings shall assume office at the first Faculty Senate meeting of the academic year in August or September.

Members shall serve two year, staggered terms.

During the first meeting of the academic year in August or September of even-numbered years, the Faculty Senate shall elect its officers from the membership of the Faculty Senate.

Councils and Committees of the Faculty Senate

Amendments concerning Faculty Senate councils or committees may be proposed by any member of the Faculty Senate. Ratification requires a three-fifths vote of the Faculty Senate at two meetings during the regular nine-month academic year provided that a quorum is present and that the proposed amendment has been submitted to the Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate and published as part of the agenda for that Faculty Senate meeting. The motion on the second vote must be verbatim the motion passed in the first vote and is not amendable.


Council on Core Curriculum and Policies: On behalf of the Faculty Senate, and subject to that body’s authority, the Council on Core Curriculum and Policies shall maintain, review, interpret, and recommend modifications to core student learning outcomes and to policies and criteria governing general education requirements. It shall approve courses for inclusion and retention in the UALR Core Curriculum (Standard Core and College Cores) and shall have responsibility for policies governing how transfer courses satisfy core curricular areas.

The Council on Core Curriculum and Policies shall report all of its actions promptly to the faculty. In reviewing curriculum matters, the Council on Core Curriculum and Policies shall consider current policies and criteria of the U of A System and the Arkansas Board of Higher Education.

In academic units (programs, departments, schools, colleges) curricular proposals affecting the UALR Core, including but not limited to course inclusion in the core, modifications to existing core courses, and inclusion in the college core, will be routed through program, department, school, college curriculum committees and to the Undergraduate Council before being sent to the Council on Core Curriculum and Policies. In academic units not organized into departments, colleges, or schools, routing shall be according to an analogous process certified to the Council on Core Curriculum and Policies by the executive vice chancellor and provost. Revisions and modifications to student learning outcomes and to policies and criteria governing general education requirements may be proposed to the Council on Core Curriculum and Policies by any faculty or academic unit. Recommendations by the Council on such matters shall be informed by written opinion of each academic unit directly impacted by the proposed change.

Recommendations of the Council on Core Curriculum and Policies are subject to review by the Faculty Senate upon decision of the Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate or upon petition signed by five or more senators and delivered to the president of the Faculty Senate within ten (10) calendar days of passage the Council on Core Curriculum and Policies. Proposals not reviewed by the Faculty Senate or having passed Faculty Senate review shall be routed to the executive vice chancellor and provost and the chancellor.

The Council on Core Curriculum and Policies shall be composed of one representatives elected from and by each curricular area with a course in the core and one representative elected from and by each college. with each serving a three year term.

Faculty Appeals Council: All appeals and grievances involving faculty are made to the Faculty Appeals Council. This includes but is not limited to appeals and grievances about dismissal, tenure, promotion, salary, fringe benefits, working conditions, and discrimination based upon race, sex, or physical handicap. Membership of the Faculty Appeals Council shall include all members of the Committee on Tenure, one representative from the library faculty, one representative from the Bowen School of Law, seven full- time faculty member, with tenure, elected from each college represented in the Faculty Senate, and two academic administrators below the level of dean who shall be elected by the Faculty Senate. Should the composition of the Faculty Appeals Council not include adequate representation of women and/or minorities nor faculty needed to complete required panels for appeals, the Faculty Senate Executive Committee may appoint  additional full-time faculty members to provide such representation.

Internal Structure and Processes of the Faculty Appeals Council: The chairperson shall appoint members of the council to three-person informal and five-person formal panels when appeals are made. In making hearing panel appointments, the chairperson shall distribute faculty members as evenly as possible in relation to tenure status, administrative status, race, and gender and previous service on other panels during the academic year. Any panel member may disqualify herself or himself for good cause. Panel members may be challenged for cause, with the merits of each challenge decided by majority vote of the panel. In addition, the appellant shall be permitted one peremptory challenge.

Each faculty member who is considering filing or who has filed a complaint before the Faculty Appeals Council may, at such person’s option, request an advisor. In the response to such request the chairperson of the council shall appoint a member of the council to serve as that person’s advisor. A person’s advisor shall not sit on a panel of the council to hear that person’s grievances.

Graduate Council: On behalf of the Faculty Senate, and subject to that body’s authority, the UALR Graduate Council shall review, interpret, and recommend action on new graduate courses, programs, and degrees and consider other matters related to graduate work at UALR. This Council shall report all of its actions promptly to the faculty.

In reviewing proposals, the Graduate Council shall consider the current policies and criteria of the University of Arkansas at Little Rock and those of the University of Arkansas system and the Board of Higher Education.

Proposals for graduate programs and courses which originate with department faculties shall be routed to college or school curriculum committees, to college or school faculties, and to the Graduate Council. In academic units not organized into departments, colleges, or schools, routing shall be according to analogous process certified to the Graduate Council by the executive vice chancellor and provost.  Proposals for graduate program closures (suspensions or deletions) that originate as a result of program review or low productivity pursuant to UA Board Policy 620.1 shall be reviewed by program faculty, college or school curriculum committees, and college or school faculties before routing to the Graduate Council. Written comments from the reviewing committees will be attached to the closure proposals and travel with the proposals as they move through the review process. Recommendations of the Graduate Council are subject to review by the Faculty Senate upon decision of the Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate or upon petition signed by five or more senators and delivered to the president of the Faculty Senate within ten (10) calendar days of passage by the Graduate Council. Proposals not reviewed by the Faculty Senate or having passed Senate review are routed to the executive vice chancellor and provost and chancellor, and for new degree programs, to the president, the Board of Trustees, and the Board of Higher Education.

The Graduate Council shall be composed of one representative from the library faculty, five representatives qualified for graduate faculty status elected from each college represented in the Faculty Senate, and three graduate students appointed by the Committee on Committees of the Assembly for one-year terms from nominations submitted by the Graduate Dean, the coordinators of graduate programs, and graduate student organizations. Elected representatives shall serve staggered three-year terms.

Undergraduate Council: On behalf of the Faculty Senate, and subject to that body’s authority, the UALR Undergraduate Council shall review, interpret, and recommend action on all general undergraduate academic policies except for the duties delegated to the Council on Core Curriculum and Policies; it shall review and recommend approval or disapproval of curriculum proposals and degree programs. The council shall report all of its actions promptly to the faculty.

In reviewing curriculum matters, the Council shall consider current policies and criteria of the University of Arkansas system and the Board of Higher Education.

In academic units organized into departments and colleges and schools, all proposals for undergraduate curriculum and degree programs shall be routed to department, college, or school curriculum committees; to college or school faculties; and to the Undergraduate Council. In academic units not organized into such departments and colleges and schools, routing shall be according to analogous process certified to the Undergraduate Council by the executive vice chancellor and provost. Proposals for undergraduate program closures (suspensions or deletions) that originate as a result of program review or low productivity pursuant to UA Board Policy 620.1 shall be reviewed by program faculty, college or school curriculum committees, and college or school faculties before routing to the Undergraduate Council. Written comments from the reviewing committees will be attached to the closure proposals and travel with the proposals as they move through the review process.  Recommendations of the Undergraduate Council are subject to review by the Faculty Senate upon decision of the Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate or upon petition signed by five or more senators and delivered to the president of the Faculty Senate within ten (10) calendar days of passage by the Undergraduate Council. Proposals not reviewed by the Faculty Senate or having passed Faculty Senate review shall be routed to the executive vice chancellor and provost, the chancellor, and for new degree programs, to the president, the Board of Trustees, and the Board of Higher Education.

The Undergraduate Council shall be composed of one representative from the library faculty, four full-time faculty members elected by the full-time faculty elected to two year staggered terms by faculty from each college offering undergraduate work and represented in the Faculty Senate, and five undergraduate students. The student representatives are appointed by the Student Government Association for one-year terms and are selected to represent the broadest range possible of academic areas. The associate vice chancellor for educational programs and a representative from the Office of the Registrar shall be ex officio members without vote.

Elected Standing Committee

Committee on Tenure: This committee shall have two functions: to keep under review all policies and procedures involving faculty tenure, promotion, non-reappointment and dismissal, and to offer such recommendations and comments to the Faculty Senate as it deems appropriate. The Committee on Tenure shall be composed of one member from the library faculty elected by the library faculty, two faculty members elected from the Bowen School of Law and three faculty from each college represented by the Faculty Senate excluding in all instances deans and department chairs. Elections shall be held in the spring, and members shall serve two-year staggered terms.

Faculty Governance Committee: This committee acts to facilitate faculty governance and to ensure that governance documents and policies are in accordance with all campus and University of Arkansas Board of Trustee policies. It monitors the Faculty Handbook ensuring that approved changes are promptly and accurately incorporated into the Handbook. The committee shall establish cycles of review for the Handbook and all faculty governance documents from academic departments and schools and colleges. In the event a governance document does not reflect current campus policy(ies), the committee shall inform the unit(s) involved and assist the unit in developing needed modifications as feasible. The committee shall develop for approval by the Faculty Senate and Chancellor a generic college and a generic department governance document to be available for use by a newly created academic unit.

In the event such a new academic department or college is created, this committee shall assist the new unit(s) with the development of governance document(s). Until such new document(s) is/are created, the new unit shall operate within the framework of the generic governance document provided by the committee.

The Faculty Governance Committee shall consist of one member from the library elected by library faculty; one member of the Faculty Senate Executive Committee selected by the Executive Committee; all past presidents of the University Assembly who do not hold an administrative appointment above the level of department chair and who are willing to serve; one member from each college/school represented in the Faculty Senate elected by the faculty of the college/school; one member of the Collections and Archives elected by the Collections and Archives faculty; and one member of the Faculty Senate elected by the Faculty Senate. Elected members will serve three year, staggered terms.

Appointed Committees

Academic Integrity and Grievance Committee: The Academic Integrity and Grievance Committee hears specific grade appeals and hears, on appeal and referral, cases involving certain academic offenses. The Academic Integrity and Grievance Committee comprises fifteen (15) faculty and three (3) faculty alternates to be appointed by the Committee on Committees of the Assembly and seventeen (17) students and three (3) student alternates to be appointed no later than the beginning of the fall semester. Twelve (12) voting and two (2) alternate undergraduate students will be appointed by the Student Government Association and five (5) voting and one (1) alternate graduate students will be appointed by the Graduate Student Association. Appointed faculty members shall serve three-year staggered terms, and students shall serve one-year terms and may be re-appointed.

The purpose of the committee is twofold: (1) it affords the student an opportunity to appeal a grade if he or she feels the grade was inequitably awarded in that it violated a faculty member’s own specified grading standards, and (2) it affords a student a hearing in cases where disputes over alleged cheating, plagiarism, collusion, or similar actions cannot be resolved (where the student does not admit that he/she violated an academic offense standard or that the student admits that he/she did violate an academic offense standard and the dean of students/designee refers the case for sanctioning).

Students and faculty members are urged to make all attempts possible to resolve a grievance before initiating formal appeal. The administrative officer shall assign two faculty members and two students to hear academic offenses by rotation according to alphabet if possible.

For information on the operating policies of this committee see the Academic Integrity and Grievance Policy.

Academic Calendar and Schedules Committee: This committee shall recommend to the Faculty Senate the academic calendar, schedules, and schedule policy, and shall present academic schedules to the Senate. Normally, these calendars and schedules, in draft form, originate in the Registrar’s Office, and are forwarded to the committee for its approval before being submitted to the Faculty Senate. When questions arise, the committee shall, on behalf of the Faculty Senate, interpret the calendar and schedules.

The Academic Calendar and Schedules Committee shall be composed of one representative of the library, two full-time faculty members from each college represented in the Faculty Senate to be appointed to two year, staggered terms by the Committee on Committees, the vice president of the Faculty Senate, the chair of the Undergraduate Council or that person’s designee, the registrar or that person’s designee, the executive vice chancellor and provost or that person’s designee. In addition, two students appointed by the Student Government Association shall serve one-year terms.

Academic Technology and Computing Committee: This committee shall be concerned with University computing services policies that affect academic programs and the general interest of UALR. This committee serves as a formal communication channel for the faculty and students with Information Technology Services. The Vice Chancellor of Information Services shall keep the committee informed on issues, policies, and resource allocations affecting the academic community via technology and computing at the university level. On an annual basis the committee shall review Information Technology Services’ policies as they affect the academic community. This review should include examining the impact of resource allocation of new technology to the learning process in a benefit/cost framework. In addition, the committee will consult with the Vice Chancellor of Information Services concerning budgets, both current and future, projected and actual expenditures. The committee shall furnish a report of their review and budget conference to the Faculty Senate by March 15 of each year.

The Academic Technology and Computing Committee shall be composed of one library faculty and three full-time faculty members from each college appointed to two year staggered terms by the Committee on Committees. In addition, two students shall be named by the Student Government Association to serve one year terms. The Vice Chancellor of Information Services and the executive vice chancellor and provost or their designees shall serve as ex officio members without vote. Any faculty member holding a position of “faculty in residence” within Information Technology Services may serve as a voting committee member during their appointment to such post.

Admissions and Transfer of Credit Committee: On behalf of the Faculty Senate, this committee shall be responsible for establishing and maintaining appropriate standards for admitting students to UALR and accepting transfer credit. It shall recommend policies to the Faculty Senate in the areas of its responsibility. It also shall hear appeals from applicants for admission and from students concerned with transfer credit.

The Admissions and Transfer of Credit Committee shall be composed on one member from the library faculty, two full time faculty members from each college represented in the Faculty Senate,  to be appointed to two year staggered terms by the Committee on Committees of the Assembly, two student members appointed by the Student Government Association, and, as ex officio without vote, the administrative officer in charge (or designee) of the Office of Transfer Student Services, University College, and the Office of Testing services, and, as ex officio with vote, the Director of Admissions (or designee), and the Registrar (or designee). The Director of Admissions’ designee shall coordinate processing of materials for the committee All non-faculty members shall serve a one year term.

Athletics Committee: This committee shall consider matters pertaining to the intercollegiate athletic program and shall be advisory in nature with respect to the relationship of athletics to the academic purposes of the University. These matters may include, but are not limited to, the monitoring of academic progress and eligibility of student-athletes, scheduling of athletic events, allocation of scholarships, recruitment of student-athletes, the adding and dropping of sports, NCAA and conference rules and changes, and other matters related to intercollegiate athletics.

The Athletics Committee shall be composed of ten full- time faculty members to be appointed by the Committee on Committees, with representation by at least one voting member from each academic college and the Bowen School of Law. The Committee on Committees shall also appoint two staff members to the committee. The Student Government Association shall appoint two students to the committee. The faculty and staff members shall serve two-year, staggered terms, and the student members shall serve one-year terms. The director of athletics, registrar, and the advisor for student-athletes shall serve as ex officio members without vote.

A Faculty Athletics Representative (FAR) will be appointed by the chancellor with advice from the Athletics Committee. The FAR will serve for a three-year term and may be reappointed for subsequent three-year terms. The FAR will serve on the Athletics Committee as an ex officio member with vote.

Buildings and Grounds Committee: The purpose of this committee shall be to insure protection of the natural and aesthetic environment of the UA Little Rock campus consistent with reasonable growth and development of the campus.  The committee shall promote beautification of the campus through a continuous review of landscaping, building and signage appearance, and campus roads and paths.  The committee shall recommend on plans for new campus construction, and shall recommend to the chancellor steps that should be taken to preserve the natural environment and beauty of the campus. The committee shall periodically review the campus master plan.

 The Building and Grounds Committee shall be composed of one member from the library faculty and two members from each college represented in the Faculty Senate, appointed to two year, staggered terms by the Committee on Committees; two members of the staff senate, selected by the staff senate to two year, staggered terms; two students appointed by the Student Government Association to one-year terms.  The administrator in charge of planning buildings and grounds shall serve as an ex-officio member without vote.

Faculty Professional Development Committee: The purpose of this committee is to review and make recommendations concerning policies and procedures involving the enhancement of the research, teaching, and service functions of the University. The committee is concerned with faculty improvement workshops and other activities and conditions designed to recruit, improve, and retain a highly productive faculty. This committee shall make recommendations to the Faculty Senate concerning research policies of a general nature and methods of encouraging research activity. Under the authority of the executive vice chancellor and provost, it shall award the faculty research grants. The Faculty Professional Development Committee shall consist of one member from the library faculty, three full time faculty members from each college represented in the Faculty Senate to be named by the Committee on Committees to staggered terms of two years each and a designee appointed by the executive vice chancellor and provost, ex-officio without vote.

Library Committee: This committee shall be concerned with library policies that affect the academic programs and general interests of UALR, and serve as a formal communication channel between the faculty and the library. The director of the library shall keep the committee informed on issues and policies affecting the library and its publics as such issues and policies come into being. The committee shall review library policies as formulated by the library faculty on an annual basis and furnish a report of that review to the Faculty Senate by March 1 of each year.

The Library Committee shall consist of one member from the library faculty , Graduate and Undergraduate Councils, and two full- time faculty members from each college to be named by the Committee on Committees. In addition, two students shall be named by the Student Government Association. The director of the library shall serve as ex officio member without vote. The terms of the two student members shall be one year; all other members shall serve two-year staggered terms.

Planning and Finance Committee: This committee exists for informational and advisory purposes only. While recognizing that the responsibility for the budgetary and planning process rests with the chancellor and administration, this committee shall assist in these areas by reviewing proposed plans that have an impact on the academic mission of the University, such as revenues and revenue projections, budgets and budget projections, faculty and staff fringe benefits such as health insurance and retirement benefits, and the relationship of academic and capital planning to finance and budget matters.

The committee shall work with the Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration to review existing university reports, to make suggestions for changes to reports, and to provide input into developing reports that would be of greater interest to faculty or easier to understand. The committee shall report to the Faculty Senate concerning the UALR financial statement and shall endeavor to produce other reports to show the use of funds by the university and changes in the Annual Budget Book. In reporting on the UALR financial statement the committee shall include such information as the amount of reserve funds and the total endowment. From the committee, a few faculty representatives shall attend the University level budget hearings and all academic budget hearings at or above the college level.

The committee may make recommendations to the Faculty Senate, which may make recommendations to the chancellor. In circumstances where time does not allow deliberation and action by the Faculty Senate, the committee may make its recommendations directly to the chancellor, providing a copy (or report of oral recommendations) to each member of the Faculty Senate. To further facilitate significant involvement of the committee with the above processes, the committee shall select three of its faculty members to be on a subcommittee, which shall be available throughout the year for planning and finance matters. The subcommittee shall report to the committee.

The Planning and Finance Committee shall consist of one member from the library faculty, and three full-time faculty members from each college represented in the Faculty Senate to be named by the Committee on Committees, the Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate, the administrator responsible for budgeting and planning, the vice chancellor for finance and administration, and the vice chancellor for university advancement as ex-officio members of the committee. In addition, two students appointed by the Student Government Association shall serve as members. Appointed faculty members shall serve two-year staggered terms and students shall serve one-year terms.

Honors and Awards Committee: This committee shall, on behalf of the Faculty Senate, select the recipients of specified University-wide honors and awards. This committee also shall advise the chancellor on the awarding of honorary degrees. In such matters, members of the committee shall act with the utmost confidentiality and discretion. The Honors and Awards Committee shall consist of two undergraduate students appointed by the Student Government Association, one graduate student appointed by the Graduate Student Association, and three faculty members from each college, one Graduate School representative and two alumni to be named by the Committee on Committees to staggered terms of two years each.

Student Research and Creative Works Committee: The mission of this committee is to promote, support, and extend undergraduate and graduate research, scholarship, artistry, and other forms of creative activities at UALR, as well as to encourage research collaboration between faculty and students. In this capacity, the committee shall maintain policies related to university-financed student publications and inform the Faculty Senate as appropriate.

The Student Research and Creative Works Committee shall consist of one member from the library faculty and three full-time faculty members from each college represented in the Faculty Senate with an undergraduate program to be named by the Committee on Committees to staggered terms of two years each; one undergraduate student named by the Committee on Committees to a one year term from nominations by the Undergraduate Research Committee; and, as ex-officio members (without vote), the editors and advisors of university-financed student publications, one student affairs representative, and the Vice Provost for Research and Dean of the Graduate School or designee.

Ad Hoc Committees: Ad hoc committees may be appointed by the president or the Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate to study special problems not within the purview of the various councils or standing committees. An ad hoc committee shall report its findings and recommendations to the president or the Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate.

The appointing officer or body shall prepare a written notice of the charge of the committee, as well as a membership list, and distribute that information to all Faculty Senate members, all members of the Staff Senate, and the officers of the Student Government Association.

Bylaws of the Faculty Senate

The bylaws of the Faculty Senate shall be subject to amendment by three-fifths vote of those present and voting at one Faculty Senate meeting, provided that a quorum is present.

Appointments: In making appointments, the appointing authority shall be mindful of the need to include minorities and women and to provide broad campus representation whenever possible.

Chairpersons: Unless otherwise specified, the chairperson of each selected or appointed committee or council of the Faculty Senate shall be elected annually by the members from the faculty members serving on the committee or council.

Faculty Eligibility for Service on Faculty Senate Councils and Committees: Faculty service on elected and appointed standing councils and committees of the Faculty Senate shall be limited to those members of the faculty who are eligible to serve on the Faculty Senate.

A member of a Faculty Senate council or committee is expected to vote in council or committee deliberations so as to promote, in his or her own judgment, the best interests of the entire UALR community. A representative chosen by a unit of the University, such as a college or school, is accountable to that unit in that he or she may or may not be reelected when the term or service expires.

Meetings: Unless specified otherwise, councils and standing committees shall be expected to hold an organizational meeting in the first month of the academic year. Special meetings shall be held upon call of the chairperson or a majority of the committee or council or at the request of the president of the Faculty Senate or the chancellor.

Proxies: There shall be no proxy voting in the Faculty Senate. Any member of a standing council or committee of the Faculty Senate may issue a proxy from any meeting of the council or committee. If members of a council or committee are selected from specified constituent units, e.g. school or college, the person representing the proxy must come from the same unit and meet the same criteria for membership as the person filing the proxy. Each proxy must state in writing the name of the person receiving it, the date of the meeting for which it is effective, and must bear the signature of the regular member issuing it. Valid for one meeting, each proxy shall be filed with the chairperson or other appropriate office of the council or committee. At any committee meeting, proxies may be counted for quorum purposes but shall not be permitted in elections of council or committee officers.

Records and Reports: Each committee or council shall send one copy of the minutes of each meeting to the secretary of the Faculty Senate and another copy of the minutes of the meeting to the president of the Faculty Senate and shall provide regular or special reports to the Faculty Senate at its own initiative or at the request of the president of the Faculty Senate.

Vacancies: Seats in the Faculty Senate and memberships on elected Faculty Senate councils and committees that become vacant during the academic year shall be filled for the remainder of that year from a list of alternates maintained by the Executive Committee, and for the next year (if required) by special election at the annual college or school meeting at which members of the Faculty Senate and its councils and committees are elected.

Vacancies on appointed Faculty Senate Committees shall be filled by the Faculty Senate President in consultation with the college assembly, department faculty, staff senate, or whatever appropriate body is represented by the position.

eVoting: Committees of the Faculty Senate may render decisions on matters of routine business through asynchronous electronic means such as email (hereafter referred to as eVoting) provided that the committee follows the approved operating procedures by which it will conduct eVoting. Operating procedures for eVoting must be approved by the Faculty Senate.

The deliberative process is the foundation of sound democratic governance. It is critically important that the use of eVoting is done in such a way that it does not undermine this process.