Committee on Committees

Elected Members of the Committee on Committees, AY 2024-25

Representing Term ending 2025
College of Humanities, Arts, Social Sciences, and Education (1 rep; 1 year term) Joli Livaudais
College of Business, Health, and Human Services (1 rep; 1 year term)  Kim Porter
Donaghey College of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (1 rep; 1 year term)  Christy Jackson
Bowen School of Law (1 rep; 1 year term)  Josh Silverstein
Ottenheimer Library (1 rep; 1 year term)  Donna Rose

Ex officio Members (all with vote)


Position Represented Person
President of the Assembly and Faculty Senate Angela Hunter
Vice President of the Assembly, Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost Ann Bain
Previous President of the Assembly Ed Anson
Secretary of the Assembly Larry Beachler (23-24)
Parliamentarian of the Assembly Rosalie Cheatham (23-24)
Vice President of the Faculty Senate Mariya Khodakovskaya (23-24)
Secretary of the Faculty Senate May Atkins (23-24)
Parliamentarian of the Faculty Senate Rosalie Cheatham (23-24)
President of the Staff Senate Jack Higginbotham
President Elect of the Staff Senate TBD
Immediate Past President of the Staff Senate Belinda Nix
Secretary of the Staff Senate Larry Beachler (23-24)
Treasurer of the Staff Senate Amy Frets (23-24)
Parliamentarian of the Staff Senate Jack Higginbotham (23-24)
Communication Officer of the Staff Senate Christopher Davis (23-24)
President of the Student Government Association An Le
President of the Graduate Student Association
Imraul Emmaka (previous)

Past Membership of the Committee on Committees