2018 Symposium Speakers and Topics

Dr. Al Armendariz, the Sierra Club | The Science of Climate Change

Al Armendariz serves as a senior campaign representative for the Sierra Club’s “Beyond Coal” campaign beginning in mid-July. He oversee the group’s work in Texas, Arkansas and Oklahoma.

Robin Kundis Craig, University of Utah | Harvey, Irma, and the NFIP: Did the 2017 Hurricane Season Matter to Flood Insurance Reauthorization?

Robin Kundis Craig is the William H. Leary Professor of Law at the University of Utah S.J. Quinney College of Law in Salt Lake City, Utah, where she is also affiliated with the College of Law’s Wallace Stegner Center for Land, Resources, and the Environment and the University’s Global Change and Sustainability Center. Professor Craig specializes in all things water, including the relationships between climate change and water; water and energy; the Clean Water Act; the intersection of water issues and land issues; marine biodiversity and marine protected areas; water law; and the relationships between environmental law and public health.

Michael Gerrard, Columbia University | Heat Waves: Legal Adaptation to the Most Lethal Climate Disaster (So Far)

Michael B. Gerrard, Andrew Sabin Professor of Professional Practice at Columbia Law School, teaches courses on environmental law, climate change law, and energy regulation, and is director of the Sabin Center for Climate Change Law. A prolific writer in environmental law and climate change, Gerrard twice received the Association of American Publishers’ Best Law Book award for works on environmental law and brownfields. He has written or edited eleven books, including Global Climate Change and U.S. Law, the leading work in its field (second edition published in 2014, co-edited with Jody Freeman), and the 12-volume Environmental Law Practice Guide.

Blake Hudson, University of Houston | Consenting to Disaster: Policy-making and Climate change Denial in the Southern United States

Professor Hudson’s research considers how property, land use, and natural resources law and policy intersect with environmental and constitutional law, with specific focus on the issue of federalism as it relates to land use and the environment. His book, Constitutions and the Commons: The Impact of Federal Governance on Local, National, and Global Resource Management, was published by Resources for the Future/Earthscan in 2014.

Sarah Lamdan, CUNY | Rebuilding the Environmental Information Infrastructure to Meet the Climate Challenge: Threats and Opportunities

Sarah Lamdan is a professor and faculty services librarian. She specializes in government information access and transparency, and especially issues related to environmental law and environmental information access.

Andrea McArdle, CUNY | Managing “Retreat”: The Challenges of Adapting Land Use to Climate Change

Andrea McArdle, Professor of Law at City University of New York School of Law, teaches a variety of experiential courses, including seminars she designed in judicial rhetoric and in urban land use and community lawyering.

Stephen Miller, University of Idaho | Government and the Governance of Wildfire in the Wildland-Urban Interface

Professor Stephen R. Miller is an Associate Professor of Law at the University of Idaho College of Law. He is an expert in land use; local government; local environmental law; sustainability and resilience planning, with an emphasis on wildfire; and local regulation of the sharing economy. He has served as a consultant on United States’ land use governance for the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and as an adviser to the U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) on the creation of a National Risk Index. He has served as a commissioner on the Boise Planning & Zoning Commission, and presently serves on the boards of the Montana & Idaho Community Development Corporation, the Rocky Mountain Land Use Institute, and the Land Use Law Center at Pace Law School.


John Nolon, Pace University | Low Carbon Land Use: Paris, Pittsburgh, and the IPCC

John R. Nolon is Distinguished Professor of Law at the Elisabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University where he teaches property, land use, and sustainable development law courses and is Counsel to the Law School’s Land Use Law Center which he founded in 1993. Professor Nolon is co-author of the nation’s oldest casebook on land use law: Land Use and Sustainable Development Law: Cases and Materials, currently in its ninth edition. He is co-author of Thomson-West’s Land Use in a Nutshell and Climate Change and Sustainable Development Law in a Nutshell.

Edward Richards, Louisiana State University | The Hurricane Katrina Levee Breach Litigation: Lessons in Making Policy in a Time of Climate Change

Edward Richards is the Clarence W. Edwards Professor of Law and the Director of the Climate Change Law and Policy Project as LSU. He is currently researching the impact of climate change on sea level rise and extreme weather events on coastal cities and ecological systems.