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Middle Eastern excavation project applications due Oct. 6

Get down and dirty with trained professionals and fellow University of Arkansas at Little Rock students for the winter field season of the continuing Land of Frankincense Archaeological Project.

From Tuesday, Dec. 5, to Tuesday, Jan. 16, archaeologists will travel to the Middle East to excavate a region of Al Baleed, an ancient, medieval port city on the Indian Ocean coast of Salalah, Oman.

UA Little Rock students chosen to participate in the project will be tasked with various duties, including excavating an assigned unit, collecting uncovered materials and other physical evidence, directing a team of workers, and recording project information.

In order to be deemed an eligible applicant for the excursion, a number of qualifications must be met. These include having archaeological excavation or survey experience, archaeological lab analysis or conservation skills, experience with the Arabic language, and basic understandings of cultural diversity. Any archaeological, geology, geography, materials science or mapping classes taken are relevant as well.

Enrollment in the project will translate as one or two UA Little Rock archaeology credits. Students must pay the cost of tuition for the enrolled hours and any fees associated with them.

All applicants accepted as team members will receive official visas from the Omani government at no cost. They will also be provided free room and board in Oman, with all meals provided. Students will be responsible for personal expenses such as obtaining a valid passport, necessary immunizations, and pocket money.

UA Little Rock students accepted into the program will have their applications forwarded to the university’s Middle Eastern Studies student grant competition. Those selected for funding through the competition will have their round trip airfare and international medical insurance covered.

In addition to the application, students hoping to participate in the excavations must send in an application essay, current resume, up to three references, and a copy of the passport information page.

Applications must be submitted by Friday, Oct. 6, at 5 p.m. to Dr. Krista Lewis, associate professor of anthropology.

For more information, contact Lewis at or visit the Department of Archaeology website.