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Workshop to teach employees how to get fit without the gym

Marie Sandusky (left), UALR director of health services, works out with Karl Lenser (right), UALR employee wellness coordinator. Photo by Lonnie Timmons III/UALR Communications.

The University of Arkansas at Little Rock is showing employees how to get fit without a gym membership by using a few simple workout devices and exercises. 

Employee Wellness Coordinator Karl Lenser will lead the workshop, “Fitness: No Gym Required,” at noon on Tuesday, Dec. 12, in the Donaghey Student Center Leadership Lounge.

During the presentation, employees will learn how to get fit by using an exercise ball, resistance band, and kettlebell to complete multiple-joint exercises to maximize workout efficiency.

The exercise routine is a perfect home workout that takes 15-20 minutes and works core muscles, legs, glutes, and upper body, Lenser said.

Preregistration is required. Click this online link to register for the workshop.