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Grants available for faculty members using open education resources in online classes

Grant applications are available for UA Little Rock faculty members who are helping lower classroom costs by offering alternative textbook material for online classes. 

Applications for the Open Educational Resources Mini Grant are due March 30. To be considered for the grant, all materials must be uploaded to a Blackboard course shell by April 15.

Open educational resources are educational materials in the public domain or introduced with an open license, meaning they can be used freely. Educational materials like textbooks, curriculum, lecture notes, syllabi, assignments, and tests would be open to the public and could be used by students and faculty without cost.

Winners of the grant will adopt open educational resources for an existing or new online class. Each winner will receive a grant up to $1,000.

Last year, 10 UA Little Rock faculty members were awarded a total of $9,000 in grants funded by a partnership between the UA Little Rock offices of Collections and Archives, eLearning, and Scholarly Technology and Resources. They will present their use of open education resources in online learning during Open Education Week March 5-9.

For more information, contact Carol Macheak, research and scholarly communications coordinator for Ottenheimer Library, at