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UA Little Rock students place in Top 10 in national social media challenge

Two University of Arkansas at Little Rock students finished in the Top 10 in a national social media challenge for Phi Beta Lambda, the college division of Future Business Leaders of America. 

Shibani Lal, marketing major, and Bhavya Patel, business and biology major, placed in the Top 10 for their project dedicated to creating strategies for recruiting Phi Beta Lambda members through various social media platforms.

For the social media challenge, Lal and Patel had to create a social media campaign that markets and shows how Phi Beta Lambda is an organization that benefits students from a variety of majors using at least three sources of social media.

During the 2017-18 academic year, membership in Phi Beta Lambda at UA Little Rock increased by more than 150 percent, the highest increase in the state of Arkansas. Lal and Patel placed first during Arkansas’s Phi Beta Lambda competition held April 6-7 in Little Rock. They placed 10th in the national competition, held June 23-27 in Baltimore.

“Through constant social media posts about Phi Beta Lambda’s volunteer activities and events, we want everyone to know there are many benefits to joining Phi Beta Lambda, such as volunteering with members in our community, attending events on campus, and off campus company tours,” Patel said. “It’s a great way for members to experience the culture of Phi Beta Lambda and learn about potential careers. Phi Beta Lambda is a club where you learn about leadership, community involvement, and professionalism.”

Deepali Lal, 2017-18 president of Phi Beta Lambda, Sarah Clements, faculty advisor to Phi Beta Lambda, Cliff Haney, assistant to the Marketing and Advertising Department, and Dr. Lenita Davis, chair of the Marketing and Advertising Department, assisted Lal and Patel with their project.

In the upper right photo, Shibani Lal, marketing major, was one of two students who placed in the Top 10 for their project dedicated to creating strategies for recruiting Phi Beta Lambda members through various social media platforms.