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Student entrepreneur honored with Rising Star Award

Photo composite of UA Little Rock graduate student Nora Bouzihay who studied in Dubai

A University of Arkansas at Little Rock student has been honored as an entrepreneur with a startup that is making a difference.

Nora Bouzihay, who is pursuing a Doctor of Education at UA Little Rock, was a recipient of the Rising Star Award at A Celebration of Startups, presented by Remix Ideas, in December.

In March 2018, Bouzihay launched her own hijab/scarf company, Nowara Co. Nowara, which means “flower” in Arabic, was the nickname given to her by her Moroccan grandmother.  

“Nowara Co. was a continuation of my grandmother’s legacy to instill in and empower young girls and women to embrace their natural beauty,” Bouzihay said. “I am very thankful to have been recognized for the work behind Nowara Co. It’s an amazing feeling having others see the vision behind my grandmother’s legacy. I am truly humbled for such an honor and am looking forward to 2019 and what it has in store for Nowara Co.”

Nowara Co’s scarves have been sold across the world, including Canada, Germany, and Abu Dhabi. For every three scarves Bouzihay’s company sells, one will go to a refugee in the Middle East. Although refugees receive food, clothes, health supplies, and water, they do not receive scarves, Bouzihay said. In the spring, Bouzihay plans to visit refugee camps to deliver the donated scarves.

The first female in her family to graduate from high school as well as college, Bouzihay is a graduate assistant in academic advising and a first-year experience instructor at UA Little Rock. She also serves as the director of North Little Rock Works and a tutor in the Little Rock School District.

She earned her bachelor’s degree in biology from UA Little Rock in 2015 and her Master of Public Service from the Clinton School of Public Service in 2017. As a doctoral student, she studies higher education leadership within women in the Middle East and North Africa regions.