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Moore Publishes ‘Notes on Music’

Ray Moore, professor emeritus at UALR’s Department of Music, has published a collection of anecdotes collected from his 11 years of writing and for broadcast “Notes on Music” on KLRE, Little Rock’s classical music station.
“High Notes and Low (300 and Few More Whimsical Anecdotes Concerning Music and Musicians)” published by Amadeus Press, a subsidiary of Hal Leonard Publications. Price of the book is $12.99.

“The anecdotes are mainly about classical music, but framed in a way as to be interesting to a broad audience in addition to musicians,” Moore said.

“None runs longer than 30 seconds to say, and reading them is something like eating potato chips – bet you can’t read just one – and present a varied look at the facts and foibles of the music world. As Ringo Starr says, ‘I love Beethoven. Especially the poems.’”

The book can be ordered from any bookseller.