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UALR leader now Little Rock Rotary president

Bob Denman, UALR vice chancellor for advancement

The new president of Arkansas’ oldest and largest civic organization is someone who is very familiar to the University of Arkansas at Little Rock community.

Bob Denman, a 1974 UALR graduate and the school’s current vice chancellor for advancement, will serve during the 2015-16 term for the Rotary Club of Little Rock, also known as Club 99.

“I am honored to serve as president of the Little Rock Rotary Club,” Denman said. “Club 99 is one of America’s great Rotary clubs, made great by a membership dedicated to service above self.”

Club 99, which has operated for about 100 years, is affiliated with Rotary International, a worldwide business and professional leader organization dedicated to humanitarian service and encouraging ethical standards, goodwill, and peace.

“We are beginning our second century of service and begin our second 100 years with a robust strategic planning initiative guiding club operation, programming, and partnerships,” Denman said.

“I look forward to our new opportunities and hope to merit the confidence placed in me.”

The local club meets weekly and is open to all cultures, races and creeds. For more information or to inquire about joining, visit the organization’s website.