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Campus Garden to host farmstand event Aug. 23

Visitors harvest produce from the UA Little Rock Campus Garden during a pay-what-you-can farm stand sale. Photo by Ben Krain.

UA Little Rock community members can get their hands on fresh, organic produce during the farmstand event at the Campus Garden from 3-5 p.m. on Friday, Aug. 23.

In the farmstand model, people make donations as they can and then pick whatever they want from the garden. There are plenty of peppers, basil, tomatoes, green beans, eggplant, pickled peppers, lettuce, and flowers to harvest in the garden before volunteers begin to plant fall crops.

Also available for sale will be jars of honey for $11 or smaller bottles for $7 or $2.50. A limited supply of Professor Po’ Boy’s Double Dare Hot Sauce will be on sale for $8 per bottle.

All proceeds go to the maintenance of the Campus Garden, which is located on Fair Park Boulevard next to the University Police station and across the street from U.S. Pizza.

In the upper photo, visitors harvest produce from the UA Little Rock Campus Garden during a pay-what-you-can farmstand sale. Photo by Ben Krain.