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UA Little Rock to Host Arts and Business Panel Discussion

UA Little Rock studio art major Caleb LeFevre, left, was awarded the Linda Blaine Flake Endowed Art Scholarship by philanthropist Lesley Shallom during an event at the Windgate Center for Art + Design in celebration of World Art Day. Shellam is holding one of LeFevre's charcoal art works.
UA Little Rock studio art major Caleb LeFevre, left, was awarded the Linda Blaine Flake Endowed Art Scholarship by philanthropist Leslye Shellam during an event at the Windgate Center for Art + Design in celebration of World Art Day. Shellam is holding one of LeFevre's charcoal art works. Photo by Ben Krain.

The University of Arkansas at Little Rock is working to connect the arts and business through an upcoming panel discussion.

The panel discussion is set for Wednesday, Sept. 21, at 9:30 a.m. in the Reynolds Business Building Auditorium Room 103.

As part of the panel, the participants will discuss how art and business are connected and the importance of philanthropy in supporting students in both fields.

Panelists Include:

  • Leslye Shellam, Donor to the L. Dickson Flake Endowed Scholarship and
    donor of the Linda Blaine Flake Endowed Art Student Scholarship
  • 2022-2023 Flake Scholarship Recipients: Ashley Lawrence, Lamar Townsend, Kailey Whitaker, and Annika Wade
  • Michael Johnson, Director of Development for the College of Business, Health, and Human Services
  • Joseph Lampo, Director of Development for the College of Humanities, Arts, Social Sciences, and Education

In addition to the panel discussion, the scholarship recipients for the L. Dickson Flake Endowed Scholarship and the Linda Blaine Flake Endowed Art Student Scholarship will be recognized.

Wednesday’s presentation is a first for UA Little Rock to combine the business school and students from the Windgate Center for Art + Design art students in one scholarship presentation to show a greater benefit to the community.

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In the upper right photo, UA Little Rock studio art major Caleb LeFevre, left, presented philanthropist Leslye Shellam with a charcoal drawing during a celebration of World Art Day in 2021. Photo by Ben Krain.