LR 404.8 – Syllabus, Office Hours, and Regular and Substantive Contact

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University of Arkansas at Little Rock
Policy Name: Syllabus, Office Hours, and Regular and Substantive Contact
Policy Number: LR 404.8
Effective Date: 09/23/2011
Revised Date: 10/4/2024
Most Recent Review Date: 10/4/2024


Every approved course must have a concise statement outlining the main points of study and the procedures used in the course. This statement must be delivered to the student at the beginning of the course, no later than the end of the schedule adjustment period. Changes during the operation of the course must be communicated to the students in a timely manner. A multi-page syllabus must include page numbers.

This statement must contain the following:

  1. The university-approved course prefix, number, course description, and prerequisites.
  2. The university-approved disability statement (see Faculty Senate legislation, FS_2024_12, 10/4/2024) with current contact information for the Disability Resource Center.

If you are a student with a disability, or if you simply want to discuss resources that might help you learn more effectively, you can contact the Disability Resource Center at any time. You are welcome to drop in or call 501-916-3143 to make an appointment. Their staff will work with you to discuss accommodations and identify resources on campus or in the community that might be helpful for you. Accommodations are established through an interactive process. For more information, visit the DRC website or review the steps to request accommodations. We want you to know you are valued, welcome, and wanted at UA Little Rock.

  1. The university-approved inclement weather policy (215.1), including course instructor directions to the students about whether and how the class will continue to meet via an alternate modality, means or method if the campus experiences a closure or delayed start. These directions are referred to as the “Virtual Protocol.”
  2. An academic integrity statement.
  3. The program-approved, measurable course learning objectives as required by the Credit Hour Policy (see 404.11). There must be at least one course objective.
  4. Any deviations from the Standard Credit Hour (see Credit Hour Policy, 404.11)
  5. The instructor-approved required materials, such as textbook and technologies needed to participate in the course.
  6. The instructor’s attendance policy (see Attendance and Withdrawal Policy, 404.4)
  7. The instructor’s grading policy, which must describe how the final grade will be determined and what course assignments (e.g., exams, homework, artifacts, projects) will be required.
  8. The instructor’s late/make-up policy.
  9. The instructor’s statement on Regular and Substantive Contact, which is a clear statement explaining the following:
    1. Office Hours: The method(s) and scheduled time(s) the instructor will use to be available for student-initiated contact (for example, virtual office hour meetings, message/email, phone call, chat, meeting in person, a combination of several, or other) during business hours, as well as an expectation for method of contact outside of business hours (i.e., weekends and holidays);
    2. Instructor Presence: The expected regularity of instructor-to-student interaction and how it is distributed throughout the term (this will vary based on the type of course, modality, length of course term, and specific course activities). If there is a need for interruption of interaction for an extended period, the instructor should announce this interruption to the class.

The Instructor may include additional information beyond these required items.

Citation and Modification

This policy must be cited in any curricular documents that excerpt it (such as the Undergraduate Catalog), and the Faculty Senate Executive Committee (or their designee) should review those documents before they are finalized. Wherever there is a substantive conflict between the document which quotes this policy and this policy, this policy shall be followed.

The policy can be modified through legislative action of the Faculty Senate (see Article III of the Constitution of the Assembly of the University of Arkansas at Little Rock).

Unless otherwise specified in the legislation, changes to this policy take effect in the Fall semester of the nine-month academic year subsequent to the approval of the legislation.

Source:  Faculty Senate Minutes (10/4/2024; 3/19/2021; 1/19/2018; 9/23/2011)
Status:  Active
Approved By:  Chancellor Christina Drale
Originator:  Faculty Senate
Custodian: Faculty Senate