University of Arkansas at Little Rock
Policy Name: Annual Report of Academic Position
Policy Number: LR 212.2
Effective Date: February 9, 1987
Revised Dates: August 1, 1978; November 24, 1980; February 9, 1987
Most Recent Review Date: –
The appropriation act for each institution of higher education requires annual reports of employees paid from academic positions, number of classroom hours taught, annual salary rate, and other data.
Reports are to be prepared by each campus in a format developed by the Arkansas Department of Higher Education. Two copies of the report should reach the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs by November 8.
The chancellors will be notified in time to make corrections, if required, before submitting five copies to ADHE by November 15.
Source: University-wide Administrative Memo, November 17, 1975
Status: Active
Approved By:
Custodian: Office of Finance and Administration