Cost Recovery for Copies – LR 305.2

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University of Arkansas at Little Rock
Policy Name: Cost Recovery for Copies
Policy Number: LR 305.2
Effective Date: June 7, 2004


The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance to UA Little Rock organizations and units which offer copies for a fee and promotes responsible copy practices.

UA Little Rock organizations and units which reproduce material via a photocopy machine or printer should follow established guidelines. When a need arises to copy materials for distribution, in some cases it may be desirable to charge a fee to recover the duplication cost. Any fees charged for copies should be based on the actual cost incurred to generate copies and should be used to reimburse the expenses incurred. Actual costs might include supplies, labor costs, and equipment cost recovery. In all cases, fees should be reasonable and consistent.

Reproductions not specifically allowed by U.S. copyright law, fair use guidelines, licensing agreements, or permission of the copyright holder are prohibited.

Procedures for Cost Recovery for Copies

Source: University-wide Administrative Memo #801.1, June 7, 2004
Approved By: Chancellor Joel E. Anderson
Custodian: Office of Finance and Administration