Tuition Waiver for Employees – LR 302.7

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University of Arkansas at Little Rock
Policy Name: Tuition Waiver for Employees
Policy Number: LR 302.7
Effective Date: May 1, 2017
Revised Dates: June 25, 1987; November 12, 1993; November 8, 1996; June 7, 2002; June 6, 2003; June 3, 2005; May 1, 2017; June 18, 2024
Most Recent Review Date: June 18, 2024

Tuition Waiver Forms/Information


I. Eligibility

All full-time active employees of UA Little Rock, not on leave without pay other than workers compensation, military or family medical leave, employed as of the final day of regular registration in any particular session or semester, their spouses, and their dependent children (as defined by the Internal Revenue Service) are eligible. Surviving spouses, who have not remarried, and dependent children of deceased employees who died while in the full-time employment of UA Little Rock are also eligible. All enrollees must meet normal admissions requirements and audits should be on a space available basis only. For employees hired on or after May 1, 2017, eligibility as described above shall begin with the final day of regular registration following continuous employment in a full-time position with the university for one complete fall or spring semester.

II. Transferability

The tuition waiver benefit is available to any employee, employee’s spouse, or employee’s dependent children at any on-campus unit of the University of Arkansas regardless of the site of employment. Individual units may also allow tuition waivers in specified off-campus classes when enrollment in the class in which enrollment is sought already has sufficient student enrollment by full-fee paying students to meet the minimum enrollment (as established by the offering unit) to recover the costs of offering the class. Waiver benefits are applicable to web-based or distance education courses offered through any campus unit of the University of Arkansas or through eVersity.

III. Extent of Waiver

  1. Employees at UA Little Rock may take up to 132 undergraduate or 60 graduate semester credit hours at UA Little Rock at 10% of the cost of full tuition or at 50% of the cost of full tuition for undergraduate courses offered by any other campus within the University of Arkansas System, in accordance with UA Board Policy 440.1. Waiver benefits are applicable to tuition only and all applicable fees are to be paid in full by the employee for any enrollment. The waiver benefit is applicable to credit courses only.
  2. Employee’s enrollment at reduced rates shall not exceed eleven semester credit hours in the fall and spring semesters and six semester credit hours in the summer session.
  3. Employee tuition discounts apply to any undergraduate or graduate (master’s level) course of study, except for the following programs:
    1. The Weekend Master of Business Administration (WMBA)
    2. Law (JD)
  4. All enrollments at reduced rates must be approved by an authorized supervisor. This policy does not assume that release time from regular working hours will be automatically permitted. Release time is not a right but a privilege that is granted at the authorized supervisor’s discretion. For full release procedures, refer to UA Systemwide Policy and Procedures 445.1.
  5. Employees of the University of Arkansas System Office, the Cooperative Extension Service, the Agricultural Experiment Stations, the UAMS Area Health Education Centers, and other divisions and units that do not offer undergraduate degree programs shall designate one campus as the “employee’s campus” for purposes of this policy. In accordance with UA Board Policy 440.1, the designated campus shall remain the same for the term of employment unless the site of employment changes. These employees should receive the same employee and/or dependent tuition waiver available for undergraduate education on the designated “employee’s campus” that is available for employees of the designated campus. These employees may only receive a waiver or reimbursement for graduate education tuition if their employing unit adopts a policy to offer this benefit through reimbursement to either the employee or the campus where the employee is enrolled.
  6. Spouses and dependents may take up to 132 undergraduate semester credit hours and receive a 50% tuition discount at the employee’s campus or 40% tuition discount at any other campus within the University of Arkansas. A student may not receive discounts as both an employee and a dependent of an employee. Waiver benefits are applicable to tuition only. All applicable fees are to be paid in full for any enrollment. The waiver benefit is applicable to credit courses only. Graduate courses are not discounted for spouses or dependents.

Employees Enrolled in Degree Programs Prior to May 1, 2017

Employees continuously enrolled in a degree program at reduced rates under UA Board Policy 440.1 prior to May 1, 2017 will receive their original discount level as long as they remain continuously enrolled in the degree program. Continuous enrollment is defined as a degree-seeking student who completes at least three credit hours in a given calendar year.

Source: UA Board Policy 440.1; UA Systemwide Policy 445.1
Status: Active
Approved By: UA Board of Trustees, November 11, 2017; Chancellor Andrew Rogerson, May 1, 2017; Chancellor Christina S. Drale, June 18, 2024
Originator: Office of Finance and Administration
Custodian: Office of Finance and Administration