University of Arkansas at Little Rock
Policy Name: Procedure for Capital Projects
Policy Number: LR 704.1
Effective Date: April 26, 2001
Revised Dates: October 2, 1992; April 26, 2001
Most Recent Review Date:
For purposes of Board of Trustee approval, a capital project shall be defined as:
- A project which requires the services of an architect and/or engineer approved by the Board of Trustees in accordance with Board Policy 740.1;
- A project which requires substantive changes to the exterior facade of a building.
- Any new construction, renovation, or remodeling project not covered in Section 1 that the chancellor and vice president for agriculture in consultation with the president shall determine should be brought to the Board of Trustees for approval.
Before a capital project proposal will be considered by the Board of Trustees, campus officials shall complete a capital project proposal form (see Attachment A) and submit it to the president for review and recommendations.
The Southern Standard Building Code (1999, as amended) and the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) codes as applicable shall be the construction standards for all campuses. The president may request Board approval to combine multiple phases of project review depending on the complexity and cost of the project being recommended. The phases of the approval process are listed below:
- Project proposal submitted to UA System Office
- Project concept description developed
- Request authority to begin process to select design professionals and if appropriate, general contractor or construction manager
- Estimate of project costs and identification of potential funding sources
- Request authority to select appropriate project delivery method: design-bid-build or negotiated construction and design contracts
- Campus expresses intent to issue bonds as applicable
- President approves and sends copies to the Board and the Chancellor of the requesting campus.
- First Board Meeting
- Board approves project concept description
- Board selects architect and/or engineer
- Board approves funding sources
- Board selects construction manager or general contractor, as appropriate, for major projects in accordance with Board Policy 730.2
- Second Board Meeting
- Board approves project design
- For other than major projects, Board authorizes solicitation of bids in accordance with law and authorizes contract award if the low bid is within the amount of funds available for the project
- Board approves issuance of debt instruments, if appropriate
1) On-call consultants are excluded.
Source: UA Board Policy 730.1, March 30, 1979
Status: Active
Approved By: