University of Arkansas at Little Rock
Policy Name: Roof Access
Policy Number: 701.30
Effective Date: November 17, 2009
Due to the inherent danger, access to all roofs is restricted to authorized personnel only. This document sets out the intended policy for the safe access to roofs of university buildings.
Working Policy
1.1 Working on university roofs has been identified as a potentially hazardous activity.
1.2 A formal procedure of roof access and safety management has been put in place to manage this risk.
1.3 Each roof must be specifically inspected and risk assessed so that anyone visiting a roof is not put at undue risk (see Assessment Form Appendix A).
1.4 Access to university roofs is via an authorization process.
1.5 Doors leading to roofs will be kept locked at all times. All locks and keys will be distributed by Facilities Management. Only certain personnel will be assigned keys.
1.6 Doors leading to roofs will have a warning sign “Authorized Personnel Only.”
1.7 All work on roofs will require a written risk assessment.
Source: Environmental Health and Safety
Status: Under Review
Approved By: Environmental Health and Safety Committee, November 17, 2009
Custodian: Environmental Health and Safety Committee