Outside Employment of Faculty & Exempt Staff for Compensation – LR 402.43

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University of Arkansas at Little Rock
Policy Name: Outside Employment of Faculty & Exempt Staff for Compensation
Policy Number: LR 402.43
Effective Date: June 15, 2024
Revised Dates: June 19, 1958; August 28, 1978; January 15, 1988; June 15, 1990; April 30, 1993; June 11, 1993 (Corrected); September 26, 1997; June 15, 2024
Most Recent Review Date: September 26, 1997; June 15, 2024

Outside Employment Reporting Form


While emphasizing the fact that full-time faculty and full-time, exempt staff members (including, but not limited to, senior administrators) of the university are obligated to devote their working time and efforts primarily to university activities, the university recognizes that a limited amount of outside work for private compensation may be advantageous to all concerned. Deans, department heads, directors, vice chancellors, chancellors, vice presidents, and the president are included as senior administrative staff. Such persons are therefore encouraged to engage in outside employment which will affirmatively contribute to their professional advancement or correlate usefully with their university work. This employment shall not interfere in any substantial way with the employee’s university duties or conflict with his or her university assignments.

Written approval from department head and/or dean shall be obtained in advance of such outside employment. Each department head, dean, or similar officer shall keep records of outside employment by personnel in their college or administrative unit. The report should include actual time spent during the reporting period. Such records shall be reviewed by the appropriate administrator and submitted to the chancellor (or to a designee who is a senior administrator) by September 30 of each year.

The employee shall always make it clear that the outside employment is the employee’s own responsibility, and that the employee does not act as an agent or representative of the university with regard to the outside employment. University facilities or property shall not be used except with permission of the department head or dean, and the payment of appropriate fees may be required. Prior approval is also required for concurrent employment with another university unit or state agency, pursuant to Arkansas Code Ann. § 19-4-1604 and Arkansas Code Ann. § 6-63-307.

Source: UA Board Policy 450.1, June 5, 1916; May 25, 2023
Status: Active
Approved By: Chancellor Christina S. Drale, July 12, 2024
Originator: Department of Human Resources
Custodian: Department of Human Resources