College Preparatory Core

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University of Arkansas at Little Rock
Policy Name: College Preparatory Core
Policy Number: 5___
Effective Date:


To be automatically admitted as a freshman, students must complete minimum of 16 high school units (year-long classes) in the following areas:

English—4 units (Four units with emphasis on writing skills, not to include courses in oral communications, journalism, drama or debate.)

Natural Sciences—3 units (Three units, with laboratories, chosen from Physical Science, Biology, Chemistry or Physics. Only one unit may come from a Life Science.

Mathematics—4 units (Four units including Algebra I and II, Geometry, and an advanced math course. It is strongly recommended that students take a math course during their senior year.)

Social Studies—3 units (Three units, including one of American History (does not include Contemporary American History), one of World History (not to include World Cultures, World Geography, or Global Studies), and a least one-half unit of Civics or American Government (not to include courses in practical arts).)

Electives—2 units (To be chosen from English, foreign languages, oral communications, mathematics, computer science, natural science, (pre) engineering, and social studies. As you choose your electives, residents of Arkansas please remember that to be eligible for such scholarships as the Arkansas Department of Higher Education’ s Academic Challenge Scholarship or the Federal Academic Competitiveness Grant, students must also have 2 years of the same foreign language.
Total—16 units

Source: UALR Faculty Senate Minutes, Dec. 8, 2006
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