Daily Digest – March 15, 2020

Continuity of Service for Students

The Donaghey Student Center Fitness and Aquatics Center remains open for you with temporary guidelines meant to create access and safety foremost for students.

Effective immediately, “day passes” that provide off-campus guests the ability to access the fitness and aquatics center on a per visit basis will not be honored. Additionally, new “day passes” will not be offered to off-campus guests so that staff can help better offer essential services to you.

Please note that all campus offices are open while supervisors are taking steps to work with their employees to grant the flexibility to work remotely when the situation is warranted and on a case-by-case basis. Your classes are continuing to be offered online with no change until further notice.

Top administrators are communicating with their direct reports to emphasize measures that support your health and wellbeing. Cabinet members will be working remotely through March 20 as a precaution due to a member of the cabinet that has developed flu-like symptoms and has undergone testing for COVID-19.

Your health and wellbeing are of paramount importance to us. We will continue to monitor developments and work to minimize risk to you to the best of our ability. Social distancing and vigilant hygiene are still the primary tools we have to work with and I encourage continued practice of these strategies.

As a nation and university, we find ourselves in unprecedented circumstances. Be assured that our faculty and staff are working diligently to ensure your safety and success. We are here to help you navigate through these troubled waters and provide a continuity of service to you in the days ahead. Please let us know if you have specific needs that we can address.

Posted in: Coronavirus, Daily Digest

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