Clery Annual Campus Security Report 2024
Campus security and safety are of paramount importance in UA’s ability to accomplish its mission to extend higher education opportunities.
Providing students with a safe environment in which to learn and live and keeping students, parents and employees well informed about campus security are goals which have been advanced by the 2008 Reauthorization of Higher Education Opportunity Act (Public Law 110-315).
Report Contents
The annual security report identifies types of crimes, suggests safety tips to help ensure one’s safety and the safety of one’s belongings, and identifies related safety programs and resources in an effort to promote a safe and secure environment. Safety is ultimately the responsibility of the individual, and his or her cooperation is essential to improve security for the individual and others. This document is organized into various categories to provide useful information:
- Emergency Contacts provides a complete list of numbers to call depending on your emergency situation.
- Crime Statistics includes data from the last three years.
- The Crime Prevention section details safety on-campus, offers crime prevention tips, and describes services available on and off-campus.
- The UA Emergency Management Plan is included to inform the campus community of what the university response will be in crisis situations.
- The University Policies and State Laws section provides university and State of Arkansas rules and regulations regarding sexual assault, harassment, stalking, alcohol, drugs, fire setting, false alarms, and weapons possession.
Key enhanced elements within the legislation which are associated with security and safety are:
- Revisions Within the Clery Act of 1990 and 1998
- Fire Safety and Annual Reporting
- Missing Persons Procedures for Residential Students
- Evacuation and Relocation
This annual reporting provides students and their families, as higher education consumers, and university constitutes with accurate, complete, and timely information about safety on campus so that individuals can make informed decisions. Campus reporting associated with crime statistics is a collaborative responsibility of the UA Little Rock Police Department and the Office of the Dean of Students, with fire safety and reporting the joint responsibility of the Office of Student Housing and Facilities Management Safety Officer.
The university’s administrative leadership team:
Christina Drale, Ph.D., Chancellor
Ann Bain, Ph.D., Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost
Jerry Ganz, Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration
W. Cody Decker, Ph.D., Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs
Christian O’Neal, Vice Chancellor for Advancement
Joni Lee, Vice Chancellor for University Affairs