Follow the standard Evacuation and Relocation procedures. In addition:
- A wheelchair should be kept in a designated location and taken outside during emergencies and drills so individuals can be mobile and independent to the extent possible.
- All staff, including RA’s and CA’s should be shown (not just informed) of the location of the gurney and evacuation chairs.
- Training should be provided for all staff, including RA’s and CA’s on use of the gurney and evacuation chair at least on an annual basis and when a new person is employed.
- If a resident is unable to independently transfer from bed to a wheelchair or evacuation chair, emergency personnel should be contacted immediately to assist. Unless danger is imminent, emergency personnel should provide this type of assistance.
- The housing office will notify the UA Little Rock Police Department, Facilities Management safety supervisor, and the fire-monitoring service about residents with disabilities who may need assistance.
- Window and/or door signs should be posted indicating that an individual needing evacuation assistance resides in that room or apartment.
- Regular drills should be considered that include people with disabilities. If a person with a mobility impairment that could cause injury or pain by being moved requests not to be evacuated during a drill, this should be honored, but the individual should be verbally walked through the procedures during or immediately after the drill, including bringing in the evacuation chair and reviewing the process of using them. This also applies to students who are in bed and unable to independently transfer to a wheelchair or evacuation chair.