Blog Archives

  • George BaconRind
    On this day in Osage country, George BaconRind, the son of prominent Osage leader Chief BaconRind and his wife Rosa, was born.  
  • John Joseph Mathews Dies
    This day in Osage country marks the anniversary of the death of John Joseph Mathews, a famous Osage writer. 
  • War Has Come to America
    On December 12, 1941, nearly a week after the bombing on Pearl Harbor, The Osage County News published an article summarizing the Japanese attack on American soil, the title reading “War has come to America.” 
  • Osages Begin Dances Today in Advance of Oct. 14 Celebration
    On this day in Osage country in 1929, four days ahead of the annual October 14th celebration, an Osage ceremonial dance, I’n-Lon-Schka, began. 
  • Osages Doing their Part
    On July 12, 1917, The Pawhuska Capital, published a list naming fifty individual donors from the small town of Grayhorse, Oklahoma, all descendants of Osage blood, who contributed a total of $687.50, an amount worth $14,610.80 in today’s dollar value. 
  • Major Clarence L. Tinker
    On this day in Osage country The Pawhuska Capital published an article on the accomplishments of a young and determined Osage man the then-Major Clarence L. Tinker. 
  • Change in Indian Affairs is proposed by Senator Thomas
    Although Indian citizenship was granted by the federal government through the Indian Citizen Act of 1924, after a great deal of Indian participation in World War I, many state governments did not recognize Indians as full citizens until decades later.