History, Function, & Eligibility


The University of Arkansas at Little Rock Staff Senate was created in 1969 when the University Assembly was restructured. The University Assembly makes recommendations on all matters that concern the educational mission and effectiveness of the university.


As a part of the University Assembly, the Staff Senate makes recommendations on matters such as salaries, work schedules, and work conditions; job evaluations, grievances, and appeals; fringe benefits and health services; and many other aspects of campus life.

The Staff Senate is an advocate for the UA Little Rock staff, offering scholarships and professional development opportunities. Staff members are encouraged to participate in the community service activities of the Staff Senate. All Staff Senate meetings are open and staff members are invited to attend.


All benefits eligible staff members are eligible to become staff senators. Annual elections are held each spring with senators from each vice chancellor’s area being elected to serve a two-year term. If you are interested in serving as a staff senator, make it known to your colleagues within your vice chancellor’s area so they may vote for you during the election.

You don’t have to be a staff senator to serve on one of the many Staff Senate committees. Contact your staff senator or Staff Senate officer to volunteer.

According to the Staff Senate section of the UA Little Rock Assembly constitution, the senate shall be composed of one employee (benefits eligible full-time or part-time classified, or non-classified, non-faculty) for each twenty (20) full-time or part-time benefits eligible filled positions.

Members shall be elected from the aforementioned groups in order to provide broad representation and shall serve staggered two-year terms. No senator shall serve more than four consecutive years. Staff senators shall be elected by ballot with all full-time and part-time benefits eligible classified, non-classified, and non-faculty personnel eligible to vote. Election of Staff Senate members shall be in April of each year. The number of senators from each office, unit or department will be limited to no more than two from an office with fewer than 20 employees, no more than three from an office with 30-50 employees, no more than four for offices with 50 or more employees.

The Staff Senate Nomination Committee prepares the ballots which are tabulated by the president or designee, and the Staff Senate secretary.