Grant Competitions

2024-25 Sustainability Grant Announcement
September 23, 2024

The UA Little Rock Sustainability Committee is pleased to announce a call for innovative proposals that will develop, enable, and promote principles of sustainability on the UA Little Rock campus.

All full-time faculty, Emeritus faculty, part-time faculty, staff, and students are eligible to apply. Individual or collaborative proposals will be accepted.

Submission deadlines

Friday, October 11, 2024, at 5:00 PM

In your submission, please answer the following questions, and prepare the following documents for upload:

  • Project Description (two pages max), including a specific plan to share project results with the UA Little Rock campus community
  • Funding Request / Justification (one-page max)
    – This fund is not intended for compensable stipends or travel expenses.
    – Only direct costs related to the project will be supported.
    – The committee will make purchases for the project based on submitted quotes.

Award Information
The maximum award is $2,500, though proposals requesting lesser amounts are invited and encouraged. The Sustainability Grant Committee will determine the total number of awards given based on available funds at the time of review. Student applications and staff/faculty applications will be reviewed separately. Student applicants must have a staff or faculty mentor for their project. Awards will be announced on or before Thursday, October 17, 2024, at the UA Little Rock Sustainability Day event. Awarded funding will be accessible immediately upon announcement.  It will not be a funds transfer, but they will need to provide information for purchases (e.g. quotes) to be made by the sustainability committee—also, no requests for compensation or travel.

Project Requirements
Projects should directly benefit the UA Little Rock campus community, and recipients must share project results with the UA Little Rock campus community. Recipients are expected to submit a completed report (3-5 pages) by May 2025 and give a presentation to share their projects. The method of project presentation can vary (e.g. video presentation, demonstration at Earth Day, public lecture, presentation at Research Expo, etc.), but must be completed by May 2025.


Any questions related to this request for proposal should be sent to the Sustainability Grant Committee Chair, Dr. Kyungsun Lee ( If you have a project idea but are unsure about its feasibility, you may also send inquiries about feasibility to this address. Dr. Lee will connect you with appropriate individuals who can assist in assessing the feasibility of your project idea.