Program Review

Per the Arkansas Higher Education Coordinating Board’s Existing Program Review Policy/Program Viability (AHECB Policy 5.12 on, all programs that are not accredited, licensed or certified by a disciplinary board must undergo a comprehensive, written self-study and external review every 7-10 years. The external reviewers’ final report and the institution’s response to the reviewers’ findings are submitted to the Arkansas Department of Higher Education (ADHE), and copies of the comprehensive self-study are maintained in academic departments.

UA Little Rock values comprehensive academic program reviews for assuring program quality and for integrated planning and improvement purposes. The program review provides a formal opportunity for program faculty to assess the program’s mission and efficacy, to receive feedback from external experts in the field, and to communicate program needs and strengths with key internal and external stakeholders.

UA Little Rock’s program review cycle for accredited programs can be found here.

The ADHE program review cycle for UA Little Rock can be found here .

UA Little Rock Non-Accredited Program Review Faculty Resources:

For a complete Academic Program Review Preparation Packet, please contact the Provost’s Office.