18 Inspiring Quotes to Get You To (And Through) College

"Do or do not... There is no try."

Sometimes, life is tough. But these 18 quotes are so inspirationally awesome, they’re sure to motivate and help you.

There are many ways at UA Little Rock to unwind and take a breather. Participating in Greek Life or checking out what activities the Office of Campus Life has for you are two ways. Sweating it out at the Fitness Center is another.

But sometimes, life can get overwhelming. (Speaking of, still need to register for fall? Go here. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy).

The pressure of making decisions for your major or career can be no easy task. Getting motivation from somebody who has been there, no matter what UA Little Rock college you are in, would be helpful. Now, if you only knew where to find those people…

We give you 18 inspirational life quotes to help you through college. All of these are so inspirationally awesome, they could be applied to any situation. However, the particular people quoted were masters of their craft, world renowned, or had a specific place in history. So we took the liberty of divvying up these quotes based on your future area of expertise.

Please note the silver platter and read on! Speaking of history…


Inspirational Quote about college

 Inspirational Quote about college

College of Social Sciences and Communications

 "Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So, throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore, dream, discover." - Mark Twain

 I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. -Maya Angelou


"The mind is everything. What you think you become." -Buddha

"There is only one way to avoid criticism: do nothing, say nothing, and be nothing." -Aristotle

College of Business

 "Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life." - Steve Jobs

"Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right." - Henry Ford

College of Education and Health professions

"He who opens a school door, closes a prison." - Victor Hugo

"Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today." - Malcolm X

College of Engineering and Information Technology

"Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time." - Thomas A. Edison

"The more you find out about the world, the more opportunities there are to laugh at" - Bill Nye

College of Arts, Letters and Sciences

"We must believe that we are gifted for something, and that this thing, at whatever cost, must be attained." - Marie Curie

"A person who never made mistake never tried anything new." - Albert Einstein

"If you hear a voice within you say 'you cannot paint,' then by all means paint and that voice will be silenced." - Vincent van Gogh

"Life is what we make it always has been always will be." - Grandma Moses

And finally from the College of LIFE…

"Do or do not... There is no try." - Yoda from Star Wars

Or, you can watch Tom Hanks as Joe Fox in You’ve Got Mail talk about Starbucks as a defining sense of self here.

"Oh, how I wish you would." - Tom Hanks

And who wouldn’t want a defining sense of self? Get some Starbucks from the Donaghey Student Center and share your favorite inspirational quotes with us on the Facebook and Twitter pages.

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