Departments, Schools, and Degrees

Computer Science
Construction Management and Civil and Construction Engineering
Information Science
Mathematics and Statistics
School of Engineering and Engineering Technology
School of Physical Sciences

Don’t see your major listed above? You might be in one of the following:

Engineering: Deciding

All of our engineering majors have discipline-specific courses in the first year. For this reason, you will want to choose one of the engineering majors early. If you need help deciding, please contact Erin Flowers.


“Pre-Health” is not technically a major so students interested in attending medical, dental, pharmacy, physician assistant, physical therapy, occupational therapy, or veterinary programs after graduating from UA Little Rock will need to declare a major. We have some preliminary information on our advising webpage to get you started. Once you choose a major, you can contact Erin Flowers to update your records.

Science: Undecided

If you know you want to major in a science but aren’t sure which one, it is best to choose the one you are leaning towards and declare your major in that. (You can change your major if you realize you want to major in a different science later on.) If you need help deciding, please contact Erin Flowers.